New Home

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Emma was walking back from the bakery after eating lunch with Ms.McMan, as she was walking she bumped into a tall red-haired lady leaning against a black shiny car. Emma immediately looked up at the lady.

"I sowwy." Emma said, looking at the lady. The lady bent down to Emma's height.

"It's okay sweetie, why aren't you home?" The lady asked.

"I heading home now." Emma cheerfully stated.

"Oh well can I walk with you sweetie?" The lady asked. Emma nodded before walking towards the alleyway her box was in. Emma made her way to her box and sat down inside the box while the lady bent down next to it, taking notice of the mold immediately.

"Hey sweetie I thought you said you were going home." The lady said, confused.

"I is home." Emma stated.

"Sweetie this isn't a home this is a box that is unsafe to live in." The lady said, calmly.

"When where I wive?" Emma asked.

"You can come live with me and my friends." The lady suggested.

"Reawy?!" Emma said, excited.

"Yeah lets go sweetie, but first, where is your mommy and daddy?" The lady asked.

"I no have one." Emma said, tearing up. The lady bent down and picked Emma up.

"No sweetie don't cry." The lady said, softly. Emma cried into the lady's shoulder.

"Ms. Red tan go meet fwiends?" Emma asked.

"Of course sweetie what's your name?" Ms. red asked.

"Emma-Wose." Emma stated.

"Well Rose, that's a lovely name, mine is Natasha but you can call me Nat, or Ms. Red." Ms. Red stated.

"Otay Ms. Red." Emma said. Nat took Emma back to her car and sat her on her lap buckling them both into the driver's seat. Nat drove back to the compound, she parked her car before realizing the little girl asleep in her lap she unbuckled and picked the sleeping little girl up taking her inside. Nat went inside and ran straight up to her room while holding the sleeping girl inside her arms, Nat reached her room and entered placing Emma down to sleep. Nat laid down next to her while the young girl moved around trying to get comfy and ended up placing her head on Nat's chest listening to the soft thumping of Nat's heart. Nat slowly stroked the young girl's hair before falling asleep herself. After Nat fell asleep Tony sent Steve upstairs to check on Nat and saw the both of them cuddling on the bed. Steve takes a picture for Nat when she wakes up and heads back downstairs where the rest of the team is sitting.

"So how is she?" Wanda asked.

"Well I'm not sure she is asleep with a little girl who can't be that old." Steve states. The team looks at him in pure confusion before rushing upstairs to see for themselves. They all slowly opened the door to see Nat sitting up yawning while cradling the young girl in her arms. Nat hears the door open and looks over expecting to see one person but instead sees the whole team staring at her.

"Well what do you guys want?" Nat says, bluntly.

"Who is this small mortal child?" Thor asked.

"This little girl is named Emma-Rose and she is mine." Nat says, holding Emma closer to her chest.

"You kinda can't just claim her Nat." Clint says. Nat shots him a death glare and he takes off leaving the doorway.

"Now if you don't mind I am leaving her here on my bed while I go out shopping for her. If she is not here when I return I will murder you all." Nat coldly states, while laying Emma down and pushing the team out the door closing it behind her. The team runs downstairs and starts doing what they were doing. Nat grabs her keys and heads out to the stores to get some stuff for Emma. Thirty minutes after Nat leaves Emma wakes up and climbs out the bed, trying to leave the room but not being able to reach the door handle. Emma starts crying because she wants to leave the room and can't. The team hears her muffled cries and sends Wanda upstairs to see what's wrong. Wanda slowly opens the door startling Emma, Emma runs to the bed and hides.

"Emma sweetheart, where are you?" Wanda calmly asked. Emma makes her way out from under the bed seeing Wanda.

"H-hi." Emma stutters.

"Hey sweetheart what's wrong, why are you crying?" Wanda asked.

"I-I vant m-mama." Emma says, wiping her eyes.

A/N This is my first story if you could show it some love that would be greatly appreciated and give me feedback on how it is and request I am taking request soon to add more to the story.


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