Iceberg shot?/ Luffy vs Franky/ Fight against Galley-La

Start from the beginning

Nami: "I see... Thanks."

Suddenly, some music starts playing.

Citizens: "Ahhh! This rhythm is...! Don't tell me...! Oh, no...! Why at a time like this?!"

Y/N: "What's that music?"

???: "Hey, you guys! Did you just call my name?!"

Citizens: "We didn't! Go away! Where?! Where is he?! Ahh! He's over there!"

Up on a rooftop, the source of the voice was behind a curtain, along with two other people.

???: "Yow! Yow! Yow! Come now, don't be shy, ask me my name!"

All the citizens yelled at the figure, insulted it and told it to go away.

Y/N: "Who the hell is that guy?"

???: "Geez... what noisy flies... I'm the No. 1 super guy! The face of the Water Seven underworld!"The curtain was blown away by some wind.

???: "That's right! People call me... wow....FRANKY!!!"

The people immediately began running away

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The people immediately began running away.

Franky: "Show yourself, Straw Hat! You must be here, Straw Hat Luffy!"

Luffy: "What the heck? That perv called my name."

Nami: "Did he just say Franky?"

Y/N: "So he is the guy who beat up Usopp." Y/N thought with anger and tightening his fists.

Luffy: "Hey! Bikini guy! I'm Luffy!"

Franky: "So you're Straw Hat Luffy? You went on quite the rampage while I was gone, didn't you? When I got back, I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, my house is totally unrecognizable. How dare you also treat my underlings so badly? I can't take it anymore. No one can stop me this week! No matter what you say, until I tear you up like rags, my anger won't subside!"

Franky yelled while dancing and doing weird poses. Y/N was kinda annoyed by the fact that Franky only focused on Luffy.

Nami: "Hey, you!"

Franky: "Huh?"

Nami: "What'd you do with our money?! The 200 million Berries?! Give it back to us!!" Nami demanded while Y/N was in the behind Nami, just lifting his fist upwards multiple times, supporting Nami.

Franky: "Huh?! 200 million Berries?! I've already spent it! It's completely gone! Don't get uppity and try to protect the money you stole from somewhere! You're just pirates!"

Luffy: "It doesn't matter."

Franky: "Hm?"

Luffy: "The money doesn't matter!! I won't stop until I send you flying far away with a kick!!"

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