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‎ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ahmed's POV-
(5 years later)
Today had been an hectic day, being a CEO is not easy. I wasn't going to go today cause Ameera is due this week so anytime she can go in labor but she forced me to go since my secretary has been reporting an issue for 2-3 days now.

When I reached office I got full busy checking over everything that's been happening last 2 months. I wouldn't have come today if it wasn't for my wife. I bet my secretary is really thankful for her right now. But I have to hurry back home cause I know Ameera is not supposed to stress or do much work but our son Ayaan can be a bit handful. But we love him a lot.

He gets spoiled by everyone, my parents, Ameera's parents, our friends. Talking about friends, both Aiden and Nina got married a year after us. They have a beautiful baby girl, Bushra and a son, Usman. Bushra is a year younger than our son. Usman is going to be almost a year and half younger than our son. Alhumdulillah I was a happy son, husband, father and friend.

I reach home and notice it's too quiet. I think Ayaan is having a nap cause the house is never this quiet when he's awake or maybe my wife and son are baking again. I reach near kitchen and hear giggling. Ah so they are baking.

I clear my throat as I lean against the kitchen entrance. They both look up. I try to control my laugh but a chuckle escapes when I notice their condition. Ameera has floor on her cheeks and her bump while or son has floor on his head and nose. It gets too silent before son starts sprinting towards me squealing happily. I bend down and pick him up.

"Hey buddy! I missed you"

"I mish you too baba" his ears turn pink before he tucks his face where my neck and shoulder meets. I feel eyes on me and look up. Ameera has a big smile on her face. She seems admiring both of us.

"Hey bud, do you wanna play hot wheels with me?" I ask him. He nods touching my face.

"Alright go get your set. I'll be right there with you" I let him down and there he goes again sprinting.

"Be careful baby" Ameera yells after him.

I approach her and hug her. I kiss her and rub her belly "how are my two babies doing?"

She pulls a bit to look at my face "honestly?" I nod "I think my contractions started 10-15 minutes back buttttt my water didn't break so it could be the false contractions soooo don't worry about it" "as soon I feel them worsen I'll let you know. Okay?" I remove my hold on her.

"I'll go freshen up and then play with Ayaan. You should rest" I start walking towards our room. I took my towel and was about to enter the washroom when son comes running screaming "baba baba mama needs help" it takes me a minute to understand what he meant before I start running towards kitchen. I enter the kitchen and look for Ameera. There she is standing with wetness surrounding her.

She smiles sheepishly looking in pain "uh babe my water broke and contractions are breaking my back so can you please hurry so I can get this baby out of me ASAP"

I called our parents and friends on our way to hospital. Ayaan was sitting with Ameera wiping her sweat and tears encouraging her that his sibling is soon gonna be here to play with him. It's adorable but honestly I don't think his mom's appreciating 'the baby gonna be here soon' talk.

We reach hospital and they take Ameera inside a room. I know what happens from here but the only difference isthis time I have my son with me waiting for his mom and arrival of new baby.

In about 15 minutes everyone's here. I keep pacing as I hear Ameera scream in pain. It takes everything in me to not go inside. It's about 3 hours now and I'm getting restless. There was no update on them. After what seems forever Ameera stops screaming and we hear a baby's cry. I finally sit down and can't stop the tears that escape my eyes. I feel hands on my shoulders and look up to see mom and ma (Ameera's mom) smiling down at me with tears in their eyes.

The nurse finally comes out holding a pink blanket with a baby in it. "Congratulations Mr. Idrees it's a girl" I can't hold my tears any long and I'm full on sobbing now. I ask about Ameera and they say she is resting right now but we can meet her. I hold our baby. Ma Shaa Allah she is beautiful, just like her mama but with my eyes. I can tell she gonna have me wrapped around her finger. I pass her to our parents and enter the room where they kept Ameera for resting. Her eyes are closed and she looks so exhausted. I kiss her forehead, lingering for a moment. As I pull away I see her eyes on me.

"Hi" she says in her scratchy voice.

"Hi habibti, how are you feeling now? I hope your not in too much pain cause if so I can call-"

"Stop Ahmed. Alhumdulillah im okay. Ya sure there is a bit pain but that's expected. I'm just exhausted and want to rest"

"I understand baby. Just go back to sleeping"

She closed her eyes and went into deep slumber. The door opens and our family and friends barge in. I check on Ameera to make sure she's sleeping but I guess she was to exhausted to sleep in these loud noises. I look at my son and now a beautiful daughter and Alhumdulillah I feel so grateful and blessed by Allah SWT. I silently walk out of the room and enter prayer room. I start praying and thanking Allah for all his blessings. By the end I'm sobbing.

I enter the room and see everyone laughing and smiling. I look at Ameera to see her eyes on me already. She gives me a tired smile holding our daughter and it feels like I fell in love with her all over again.

Assalam Alaikum you all! First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you beautiful people! May Allah SWT bless us all with a beautiful year ahead. Ameen!
I was so happy with all the love and support I received throughout this story and wanted to express my happiness hence another bonus chapter for you all😘🤭 hope you guys like it, enjoy!🫶

 Ameen! I was so happy with all the love and support I received throughout this story and wanted to express my happiness hence another bonus chapter for you all😘🤭 hope you guys like it, enjoy!🫶

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