596 31 12

‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
Today is the day for our internship. I'm super nervous. Yesterday Ahmed and I decided that he will pick me up for the internship and we will go together. Quite frankly I'm relieved that at least he will be there with me.

Ameera's outfit^

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Ameera's outfit^

My phone pinged indicating that I got a message. I opened it and saw it was from Ahmed.

Ahmed🤪 - I'll be there in 15. Be ready by then🤓

Me- I was done 5 minutes back😎 Better hurry up if you wanna reach there on time. No pressure 😝

Ahmed🤪 - uh oh no pressure huh😫

I laughed at his silly reply and stood up to get downstairs. I greeted my parents and had breakfast. I waited for around 12-14 minutes when I heard a honk. I knew it was him so I quickly said goodbye to my parents and they wished me luck for the internship.

I got in the car and did my salam, he replied and then the car fell in silence

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I got in the car and did my salam, he replied and then the car fell in silence. Not the awkward one but you know when you both are tensed and don't know what to say? Yup that one.

"Nervous?" Ahmed asked glancing at me when we stopped on the red signal.

"Of course nervous hoon" I looked at him and replied scoffing. (Translation: of course I'm nervous.)

"Well... you don't have anything to be worried or nervous about" the signal turned green, he turned to look back on the road and started driving but I kept looking at him trying to figure out what he meant. After thinking for some time and not understanding what he meant, I grew frustrated. As it is I was a nervous wreck thinking about how the internship would go and he wasn't helping the situation. Urrrghh 'kya karoon m ye ladke ka?' I thought to myself. (Translation: what should I do with this boy?)

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