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‎ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
It's the next day and I'm super excited. Nina's family didn't have any problem with her converting which was very good since some families don't take this thing lightly. We gathered in my place so I could give her a modest outfit to wear for the masjid.

Nina's outfit^

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Nina's outfit^

I let her borrow one of my new abayas. Masha Allah, she looked so beautiful. I was so proud of her.

I invited Taskeen to join us and that's how my two best friends met. They instantly clicked and I was happy for them.

We arrived at the masjid and I was surprised to see Ahmed there with Aiden. I turned to Nina and raised an eyebrow. She looked at me innocently.

"You didn't tell me they were coming too"

"Uh it may have slipped my mind?" She answered trying to look innocent.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Fine. I'm letting it go for now although I don't believe a word you just said"

She hugged me and got out of the car following Taskeen and me.

As we neared them I said "Hey! It's good to meet you Aiden. Seems like forever" avoiding Ahmed completely.

"Yeah, it's good to see you too. We decided yesterday to convert together" I looked at him surprised.

"You too? That's good. Alhumdulillah" I beamed at him.

"You missed him but not me? You wound me" Ahmed mocked keeping his hand on his chest for an extra dramatic effect.

"Ya well, I saw your ugly face on Friday. It hasn't been that long since then for me to miss you" I averted my gaze feeling a blush cover my cheeks. I was sure I looked like a tomato right now.

"Alright, love birds let's get in already" Taskeen hurriedly pulled Nina inside with Aiden following them like a puppy.

I stood for a second then started following them.

"You really didn't miss me? I know I'm not that ugly for you to not miss me" I heard his voice so close behind me.

I started walking faster to get away cause I could feel chills down my back.

"Wow, now you're gonna ignore me?" He matched my pace. I stopped and looked at him.

He looked so handsome today. He knew how to dress smartly.

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