Frosting on the Cookie

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"When are you going to tell them?" Maria asked, pacing Furys' office.

"Dr. Cho is still running some tests."

"But we know what those things were used for. When are you going to tell them?"

"I don't know. Pepper requested that I wait till after Christmas so they could have a break."

"Can this wait?"

"Knowing this doesn't get us any closer to finding them, and after this morning's meeting I think waiting is a good idea."

"Why? What happened?"

"Romanoff was late. She slept in."

"Really? Natasha?"

"Yes. It's a good thing though. She deserves a break."

"Nat, can you come over here?" Clint asked, standing in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen.

"No. Steve go help."

Steve looked at her weirdly but she didn't look up from the cookies she was placing on a pan.

"Uh, sure," he said, going over to Clint.

"Mistlefoe!" Peter screamed.

"Fight!" Pietro started chanting.

Clint lunged at Steve, who, confused and slightly alarmed, dodged and pushed Clint into the wall.

"Ha," Nat laughed, looking over at Clint.

"We started decorating cookies five minutes ago, why is there icing on the ceiling?" Tony asked, looking up in exasperation.

"Steve's too strong of the piping bag," Sam said.

"I forgot to cut it and then it exploded," Steve explained.

"How did it explode?" Tony questioned.

"I was trying to get the icing out- you know what? You blow things up in your lab all the time, at least icing isn't a biohazard," Steve said, glaring at Tony.

"Well you cookie's a blinding hazard, have you looked at it?"

"This is a base," Steve ground out, "I'm not done."

"You're taking this too seriously," Nat said.

Steve and Tony simultaneously said, "Stay out of it!" immediately regretting their decision.

Nat glared at them and they both shut up, quietly focusing on their cookie decorating.

"Wanda, how'd you make it look like that?" Sam asked.

"Skill," the girl answered, using a toothpick to smooth out the icing.

"Stupid skill," Pietro muttered, violently spreading frosting with a steak knife.

"Mhmm," Sam nodded, meticulously placing green Christmas tree-shaped sprinkles in a row.

Buck stared at his cookie for a long time, unsure of what to do with it. He saw how everyone else was decorating theirs but he was still debating how he wanted to do his.

"You good?" Nat asked him.

"I don't know how I want to decorate him," he replied.

She smiled at the cute look of concentration on his face. "You used to decorate cookies with your sister, didn't you?"

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