Comfort Place

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There were two main floors in the Avengers tower where they live. The lower one had the kitchen, living room, game room, and offices. Then there's the upper level that's connected by an open layout. That's where all their rooms are.

It was very early in the morning and Natasha was peacefully walking through the lower level. It was calm and quiet, but Natasha had been up for over an hour and was exhausted. It had been a long night from the mission to the nightmares.

So, finally, she decided to go back upstairs to lay down for a while. She didn't want to sleep, but maybe if she just rested for a moment she wouldn't be as tired.

She climbed up the stairs, walking towards her room when she heard a noise. It wasn't loud from where she was, but it was coming from far away.

"Friday? Is anyone awake?" she asked, being too tired to go the opposite way from her room to check it out.

"I have just woken Capsicle up, per his request," Friday replied.

"What time is it?" Nat asked confused.

"3:48 am."

Nat stood there, thinking for a moment. Why did Steve want to wake up this early? "Why?"

"Well, time is calculated by looking at the position of the-"

"No, I meant why is Steve awake so early?" Nat asked. Just then she heard another noise, a loud thud.

"I was asked to wake him if Mr. Barnes was having a bad nightmare," Friday replied calmly.

Natasha turned quickly, then at the sound of some shouting she ran. She was running as fast as she could towards the noise. Towards Bucky's room.

She made it to the doorway in no time, Steve standing there too. He looked over at her, worry for his best friend written all over his face.

Natasha looked into the room and her heart broke at the sight in front of her.

Bucky was on the floor thrashing around. He was covered in sweat but was shivering. His muscles were strained, and he was screaming, shouting. Tears stained his face as he showed an expression of absolute horror and panic.

He was barely breathing between his cries, and Steve just stood there watching.

Natasha immediately started towards him, trying to step around Steve. But the Captain grabbed her wrist, holding her back. She tried to pull away, but he kept his grip strong.

"Let go," she hissed, trying to intimidate him but her own worry and panic seeped through.

"No," he said, although it pained him. He hated seeing his closest friend like this.

"Why not?" Natasha couldn't see any possible reason to stay back. He needed her.

"Because," Steve said, struggling to keep his hold on her, "if he accidentally hurts you he'll hate himself. I want to help him too. I always do but-"

"I know what I'm doing," Natasha said, desperately trying to pull her hand away.

"I tried to help him once and he threw me into a wall. He didn't come out of his room for three days," Steve said. He was trying so hard to get through to her. He didn't know exactly what they were, but he knew how Bucky would blame himself.

Bucky screamed, louder this time. As if he had suddenly been struck... or electrocuted. He shouted out, trying to make it stop. Slowly his shouts turned to pained pleads. Begging. He was begging for it to stop. His voice broke and he was sobbing, curling himself into a ball.

Nat pulled her hand away from Steve, running to where Bucky was on the floor and dropping to her knees.

"James. James wake up," she pleaded, gently cradling his head.

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