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"What is it this time?"

"It's not good. The Avengers took The Facility in The Forest."

"You're going to have to narrow it down. That describes nearly all our facilities, give me its code."

"Uh, no sir, that's the name of the facility. The Facility in The Forest. It was done to misdirect people."

"The facility with the pods?"

"Yes Sir."

"Dam it! All the information on them was deleted though, right?"

"A few months back, yeah, but they'll figure it out eventually."

"Even if they do, it won't make a difference. Are the subjects secure?"

"There were a few complications but they are."

"Do what it takes to make sure there aren't any complications."

"Yes Sir."



Everyone was called into the conference room at seven in the morning to go over what the team found on their mission last night. Peter was still asleep in his room, which was one of the reasons Tony actually agreed to come to the meeting this early. He wanted to leave Peter out of all this, and knowing how sneaky the kid was, this was the best way.

Pepper had also dragged him here and was sitting next to him, fully awake.

"Good. Everyone's here," Fury said, when in fact, everyone was not there. Two people were missing.

"Where are-" Sam started to say but was cut off by Fury.

"I would like to know that too, but it's none of my business. Now, would someone like to give a rundown of yesterday's mission?"

"Technically, because of the time zones, the mission was today," Tony said, then took a sip of his coffee.

"Rogers, you're usually the helpful one," Fury said.

"Do you think that lullabies actually work?" he asked, staring out the window.

"Excuse me?" Fury asked, looking confused along with everyone else.

"I mean, I know they do for babies, but I can't really imagine falling asleep while someone's singing to me," he said, "I guess it's soothing?"

"Why are you asking this?" Fury said. He wanted to be mad but was far too confused. "Does anyone have anything that they found from the mission?"

"uhh, we found this page," Clint said, sliding it on the table.

Fury picked it up slowly, giving Clint a skeptical glance.

"A transfer?" He asked once he had read it.

"The details make it sound like it's for two smaller people, that would need to be cared for more closely," Clint told him.

"The date places it when the children would have been about a month old."

"Yeah. It's the only thing we found though. The children could have been born there."

"If that's true, then they know nothing other than life in Hydra," Wanda said sadly and Pepper nodded in agreement.

"We don't know if this is about them," Fury said, "Is there anything else-" he started to say, directed at Steve, the only other person present that was inside the facility, but cut himself off as he watched him stare with a puzzled expression out the window- "Ok, Where are Barnes and Romanoff?"

Purple HopeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz