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"How long do you think we have?"

"We've started the process of relocating them but the dark-haired one is stubborn."

"I don't care about that. How long until they come searching?"

"The information has most likely already been decoded. SHEILD will have started the search."

"How long until the Avengers get involved?"

"Hopefully never."

"That isn't an answer. These two are the best thing to come out of Hydras lab since the Winter Soldier. We can't have the process screwed up by these heroes."

"We won't let them, Sir. We're making a plan to keep them moving at all times. They won't locate them."

"They better not."

"Hey Mr. Pirate," Peter said, answering his ringing phone as he worked in his lab. "I know I told you I was done with the secret project, but I made a few adjustments and now the colors are super perfect and it's actually done."


"That's what you're calling about, right?"

"I was actually calling to remind you to send over the information from that hostage situation you handled seeing as you've blocked Hill," Fury said, his tone indicating that he wants an explanation.

"I'll do that right now," he told him, "Um, and about Ms. Hill, I accidentally blocked her cause I was playing with this really cute kitten, but I was still in my spiderman suit, and honestly I don't know what this dude was thinking but he tried to stab me, or the cat but why would he do that? Anyways she called me then, and I was kinda panicked except I don't panic, but that cat was really cute. So I was kinda talking to myself and was like 'ahhh block the cat' and I really just meant protect it but Karen thought I was calling Ms. Hill a cat or something so she blocked her. I tried to unblock her but apparently, I don't have access or something, so I tried to hack it, but Friday said I hack into things too much and should try doing it the normal way but that requires me explaining this to someone and its a bit much."

He took a deep breath after finishing his long rant.

"Anyways, do you wanna come over and test out the light sabers?" Peter asked excitedly.

Fury sighed, rubbing his head while trying to comprehend everything that was just said. "Sure," he gave in to Peter.

"I have a great idea!" Pietro shouted, suddenly appearing in Tony's lab with a woosh and sending papers everywhere.

Tony groaned in annoyance, dropping the tools he was working with to glare at the speedster while he picked up his things. "Would it, by any chance, include knocking?"

"Uhhhhhhh, no."

"Then get out. I'm busy."

"Also a no," Pietro said, "You have to buy me stuff."

Tony took a sip of his coffee and tried to rub away his headache. "What's your plan?"


"What's your plan?" he repeated, "I'm not going to buy your stuff without a plan."

"Oh. Oh yeah, I totally have a plan."

"You don't have a plan do you?"

"Not really. I just wanted you to buy like a thousand of those tiny babies and some super glue so I could stick them all around the vents and his room in random places," Pietro told him.

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