Search and Rescue

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Tony flew towards the facility, firing his repulsers at the cars parked outside. It was part of their plan to not let any of Hydras soldiers get away.

Pietro ran around, knocking a few people out and placing some bombs around the facility, while Wanda took out the large guns.

Back inside the facility, Clint and Natasha had gone through nearly every file and couldn't find anything on any test subject. There was just shipments and old logs for this base.

As Clint was going through the last cabinet, he found a transport form for the movement of two people. It was dated back a little over three years ago, but it was the only thing he found that even remotely sounded like it was connected.

"What do you think?" he asked, showing the page to Nat who had finished her side of the room.

She took the paper, scanning over it. "They would've just been born," Nat said, "But it is the only thing in here referring to two test subjects. And the details of this transportation..." Her voice trailed off as the building shook and alarms went off, lights flashing and sirens blaring. "It's the only lead we have," she said, handing it back to Clint so he could stick it in his vest.

"We should really invest in some backpacks," Clint muttered.

"They would just get in the way," Nat said.

"Then you need better pockets."

"I have tons of pockets."

"Then why are you making me carry this?"

"Is the paper weighing you down?" Nat sassed.

"No," Clint said, shifting around awkwardly, "But it's annoying."

"More annoying than a backpack? That could fall off at any moment?"

"A- wha- let's just grab the device and go," Clint said, moving around to the computer.

"You know," Bucky said through the coms, "you can always just buckle the backpack. And as long as it's thin and light it won't get in the way much."

"Pockets don't get in the way at all," Wanda said.

"She's right," Natasha said, zipping the little device into a pocket. "We're done in here," Nat said into the coms, "How's everyone else doing?"

"All the cells are empty," Steve said, "Let's meet up so we can head out."

"Alrig-" Clint started to reply but was cut off as the door slammed open. 

A hydra agent stood there, looking at them, but before he could do anything Nat shot him down.

"Let's go," she said, stepping over him and out into the hall. It was empty, so she turned, carefully walking back the way they had come.

Clint followed after her, watching their backs so that no one could sneak up on them. They made it halfway down the hall before the room they came out of blew up. The blast made Clint spin around, noticing the man who had blown the room and all its files up.

He quickly fired an arrow at him and calmly continued on through the hall with Natasha.

"What was that?" Bucky asked worriedly through the coms.

"That would be Hydra trying to erase all their data," Nat replied, scanning the area.

She could hear people shouting, gunshots, and loud blasts coming from the other end of the facility. It didn't take long for her and Clint to make it to the place where Steve and Bucky were.

The two had just arrived when three men came from the direction of the labs and started firing their guns. Natasha had already thrown a widow bite, electrocuting one of the men.

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