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"Are they being moved now?"

"Yes sir. We've prepared an unknown location for them to be held at for the time being. A more permanent facility will have to be found soon though."

"Alright, I'll get someone to look into that. It's impossible to tell how long we have before the Avengers start getting involved. We need to move quickly."

"They'll most likely start by gathering more information."

"Have you had the servers wiped and the files burned?"

"We can't fully get rid of all the data sir."

"Get rid of everything except the files you keep with them. Don't leave any trace."

"Of course. Is there anything else you need me to take care of?"

"Just keep the brats hidden. They'll be useful to us in the long run."


Scott left the tower after the meeting. The quinjet he had stolen months ago, its signal usually being too weak (or small) to track, brought him home quickly.

He shrunk the jet down, sticking it in the glove box of his car before driving off.

Usually, he wasn't a part of the avengers meeting, being far away, and was just updated over call a while later if needed. Today, however, he was there, learning the terrible information at the same time as them. He was unable to keep his daughter, his everything, out of his mind.

He knew it had nothing to do with her, that she was in school, away from the confines of hydra, but still.

He drove around for a while. Aimlessly at first, but after a while, he decided on a destination. Despite the time difference, it was about one in the afternoon when he parked his car in front of Cassie's school.

He found the office quickly, speaking with the receptionist before being led to his daughter's class where he checked her out for the day.

She was excited to be skipping the last few hours of school but still managed to give her father a frown from the back seat as he drove.

"You're acting weird," she said, narrowing her eyes at him through the rearview mirror.

"Weird how?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow,

"Weird like pick me up from school two hours early on moms day."

"I already called your mom saying I would pick you up today. So what do you want to do?"

"Ummmmmm. Ice cream and then movie fort."

"Ice cream and movie fort," he agreed.

Clint left the meeting, climbing up into the vents after walking down the hall. He quickly made his way through them, sliding into the nest.

He sat there for a moment, composing himself after the serious meeting. He pressed a few buttons, turning on the TV and waiting as it rung the farm.

After the third ring, Laura answered the facetime call, smiling at her phone with pleasant surprise. Her smile faltered when she saw his expression, slightly off but she knew.

"Hard day?" she asked.

"Yeah," he answered, loving her more for how she always understood.

"Well you called at the perfect time," she said, walking through the house, "Lila just finished a new painting."

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