Alone with their Thoughts

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It was dark in the room. An eerie silence filled the void as Bucky looked around in confusion. Where was he? How did he get here? Why was he here?

A single fluorescent light flickered to life, humming with electricity and illuminating the empty space around him.

Nothing was there. He couldn't even see a wall or the ceiling. All that he saw was the light fading into darkness.

He tried to move. To get a better look around the area he was in. But he couldn't.

His arms were strapped to the chair he was in. The cold metal of the clamps dug into his right arm.

He glanced down, looking at the restraints and noticing the familiarity of it all.

Fear coursed through his veins, stopping his heart for a moment before it pounded against his rib cage. His body shook and was instantly covered in cold sweat. His breathing became ragged as he tried to stay calm. He knew he couldn't get out, but he couldn't understand how he got there. The last thing he remembered was that he was in the tower. Safe. They couldn't get him there. Not while he was surrounded by Stark's security and all the Avengers. How did the-




He had to get back to her. Had to make sure she was alright. What if they got her? What if they got everyone?

He had to get out.

All thoughts of calm and reason left him, and he pulled against the restraints.

It was pointless. He knew it. But he couldn't stop himself, almost couldn't control himself.

He kept struggling, pulling, using the full force of his body to try and get out of that chair.

The open space was filled with the sound of his breathing and the slight shaking of the chair. He yanked against the restraints, prying and twisting, trying in any way to free himself.

His grunts of panic and terror soon changed to shouts of murderous rage. He couldn't let them do this to him again. He wouldn't let them do this to him again.

He had to get out.

Calming himself, steadying his breathing, he remembered what had been beaten into him during his years in Hydra. Against them, anything he did was meaningless. Useless. Pointless.

But he had to get out.

He had to have hope.


He had to find his Natalia. His beautiful, red-headed, ballerina.

In the silence, the complete, unnatural, silence, a man appeared. He made no noise as he walked, stopping at the edge of the circle of light.

Bucky tried calling out to the man, shouting at him, anything, but he couldn't. He couldn't even move. He was paralyzed, frozen to watch as the man chuckled, stepping into the light.

The man's laughter echoed, coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once. It was wrong. All of it was wrong.

His suit was the first thing Bucky saw. A pristine, gray suit.

More of the man appeared as he slowly emerged from the darkness.

The buttons of his vest. His tie, neatly done and tucked away. The collar of his shirt folded perfectly.

After an agonizingly long amount of time, his face became visible.

The wrinkles around his mouth and eyes. His fake smile. Graying dirty blond hair.

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