"I have to say, he's right mom," the boy said. "Those two have a zodiac energy, and that Robbie guy had one as well."

"That's why we protect them." Luonno said, shortening her size, her shadow form now being more human-like, she looked a lot like her son, but with long hair, some grey and silver streaks and bangs. "Because they are our only hope,"

She stopped. Luonno cocked her head to look up at a triangle on the sky. "Against him."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Robbie parked the bike in front of the lab. The three hopped down and went inside of the lab.  Melody was the first to see them, she frowned in concerned at seeing their expressions. "Are you three okay? You look down. . . And hurt."

"How on earth are they hurt?" Robbie asked.

"You look hurt." Melody said.

"I'm not hurt," Robbie said. "Just helped those kids flee from a giant bear."

"Don't take all the credit." Dipper said.

"I'm not."


The demand came from Ford, who was standing a bit far from the door in a corner that the three hadn't seen him standing at. Dipper and Mabel immediately started sweating in nervousness — mostly Dipper, to be honest.

"You see, um. . ." Dipper tried to think of a lie, but knew it wouldn't work. So he decided to be honest. "We went to an adventure alone and woke up a giant bear from its beauty sleep?" he explained with a nervous smile on his face.

Ford gave them a surprised and concerned stare. "You guys met the Undying Bear?!"

"Almost died to it," Mabel said. "But thanks to a giant deer shadow girl thing named Luonno and her son, we survived!"

"Also, you know you gave Mabel a baby weredeer, right?" Dipper asked.

"I. . . Didn't."

"Wait, what?" Mabel asked.

"Luonno gave him to me a while ago, I didn't know this was one of her children." Ford replied.

"So you know Luonno!" Dipper pointed at Ford as he spoke.

"I do. . ." Ford sighed. "You've just proven yourselves today," Ford said. "Proved to be the most determined, stubborn and brave children in this family." Mabel smiled nervously, Dipper looked away. "But of course we'd be related, you are just like me when I was younger."

"Wait, really?" Dipper asked. "C'mon, you already got me curious! Stop spoiling us if you're not saying anything!"

"I'll tell you almost everything." Ford said.

"Will you really?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah, I will." Ford said. "Also, Robbie, thanks for taking them out of there."

"I hate people, I don't wish them dead." Robbie said, putting his headphones on again. "Don't disturb me anymore, old man."

They all stared at him, but he didn't even care, his eyes closed and his song on the maximum volume.

"Robbie being Robbie." Melody said.

"He's kinda cute." Mabel thought, with a curved smile on her face.

Dipper noticed Mabel's expression and the red on her cheeks. He frowned, indignantly. "Mabel's not— no. . ."

"Kids, I've made my decision," Ford said. Dipper and Mabel looked at Ford, waiting anxiously. "I'll take you both to adventures, if you promise me you won't go alone anymore."

"We promise!" Dipper and Mabel said.

"Then it's decided." Ford said.

"Yay!" the two cheered. They hugged each other and jumped in circles, celebrating.

The silly scene of the two made Ford smile a bit. Melody let out a short laugh. "So adorable." she thought. "Hey, you two," Dipper and Mabel stopped jumping and turned to look at Melody. "Me and Ford have another gift for you."

The twins shared a look before looking at Ford. Their uncle gave Dipper a blue beanie with a yellow star and Mabel got a pink here with a blue pine tree on it.

"Cool" Mabel exclaimed.

"It was handmade, I hope you like it." Melody said. "Ford helped make both."

"Wait, now that I noticed!" Dipper exclaimed. "You have a sixtieth finger!"

Mabel turned to Ford. Ford looked at his hand for a quick second before turning back to them. "Yes, I do," he stated. "This is one of the main reasons I started my investigation, because I am a weirdo myself."

Mabel frowned. She hugged Ford. "You're not a weirdo, you're even cooler like that!" she stated. "A handshake with six fingers is much more friendlier than a normal handshake!"

Ford hummed. "I suppose I've never thought about it that way."

Dipper joined the hug. "I know I just met you, but I already love you and everything you have in here," he said. "Thanks for having us here, Grunkle Ford."

"Let's make this winter the best ever! Like Dipper said." Mabel grinned.

Ford laughed a bit. He finally hugged the twins back. Melody invited herself in the hug and no one minded, they hugged her as well. A minute of silence passed with the hug, but it was broken by Ford. "Also, why Grunkle?"

End of Episode One

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