Today already feels so strange after knowing I'm being stalked.

I packed my taser, and some bear spray. It's way stronger then pepper spray.

Play with me if you want to.

"Good morning Trina." -
I feel a nudge on my shoulder that makes me jump.

I look and it's just Ross.
My ass hurts from how hard my stomach dropped.

"Ross! Oh my gosh!!" I hold my chest as I breathe in and out slowly. "I didn't even notice you sir. I'm sorry."

"Ouch, my feelings." He jokes. "How is your morning? Are you excited that you team is joining you?"

"I'm excited. The work load is going to be easier. Might not have too much overtime to pay out after all." I smile at him intentionally ignoring the morning question.

"I see." He studies my face

Damn this is the longest elevator ride. I'm feeling the sensations again.

I then feel a graze on my back. I quickly look at him.

"I'm sorry, you had a long piece of string hanging from the back of your dress." He shows it to me.

"Aha, thank you." I smile awkwardly
God get me outta this elevator!!

Ding the doors open as he and I walk to the conference room where orientations are held. And there is my team.

My heart stops pounding from the effects of Ross and warms as I see them.

"Good morning everybody!" Ross says as he enters the room, Mack was already present. I follow behind as I wink at Jhené.

"Alright let's get started." I say as Carlie closes the office door and we begin.


"Holy fucking cow Trina!" Jhene says at her desk to me. "$35 an hour just to sit here and answer the phone???"

"Well amongst other things." I laugh and quiet her as I hug her.

"I just can't thank you enough Trina!"

"No thank you! Plus babes, I strongly believe in nepotism." I wink at her before showing my four to their offices.

"You all can chose which on you want. Here are your stacks of folders for you to get started on. We have at least 5 years to check out but more recently the past two."

I look at them and nod.

"Thank you so much Ms McMillan" Joseph says. Which surprises me.

"No problem guys I know you all will have our department in tip top shape."

I look at Rick.
"Keep an ear and eye on that fur ball." I nod my head towards Rory's office as he gets up glaring at me to shut his office door.
"Yes ma'am will do. And I appreciate you as well ma'am." He says before he retreats to his office with the folders.

I breathe in a deep sigh of relief as I walk to my office. Stopping to see that Carlie has set up her desk so nicely, lit candles, and has lo-fi music playing.

My favorite.

This is nice I smile to myself.

But every sweet moment is always ruined. I hear a woman yelling and what sounds like security guards coming down my hallway.

"I just want to see who the hell she is!?!?" The woman yells.

"You don't work here anymore Lottie! So why are you even here!?." I hear one of the guards ask.

"I left something important to me in my old office and I'd like to retrieve it." The woman gets closer to me while shouting.

Looking at her from head to toe I can tell she's privileged. Probably daddy's little girl. She had a slim figure, pretty bronzed skin.
Wow she tans nice.
Her hair was brown with blonde highlights. Plump lips like she get injections on the regular but her makeup was fantastic. Her nails were finely manicured and what she had on screamed quiet luxury from her clothes to her simple jewelry.

I could get along with the woman. If she didn't already brand me as her enemy.

"So is this her?? Where is Trina McMillan... ?" She looks at me.

Here we go

A/N: Lottie wouldn't have walked in my establishment raising hell. But I understand their caution.

Jonathan 😩😩 where are you???!
(I know where he is lol)
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-chuu 💋💋

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