24 : weakness

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"Is she Heeseo?"

''I haven't see her in that hair."

"She's georgous."

"Beautiful as always."

Heeseo was walking through the hallway, getting a lot of attention with her new shoulder length hair. She cutted it by herself the day before since her confidence to show her collarbone come. The reason why because of the scar on her collarbone area began to disappear.

Her wound oh her arm last time was covered with her long sleeve shirt as it still visible. People may underestimated her to be sick but she could not care less as long as nobody would see her wound.

She walked to her class as she tried to ignore the students around her.

News about her did not get into the first place spread as quick as a flash at the school. Some even wrote on the school blog with says that 'someone just lost her throne'.

"Heeseo!" Seori, her classmate called for her when she caught her glimpse.

She turned around to find the voice. "Oh, Seori. Why are you running like a dog after you?"

"Look at this. Someone wrote this article on school's blog." She shoved the phone in front of her.

"Someone just lost her throne. Who would think the queen lost her throne to her own friend? A queen should not always thinks she was on a comfort zone."

In split of second, she thought about one name that would do this thing.



"HEESEO!" Jake panted heavily when he reached the class and sighed in relief when he saw Heeseo was there.

He approached her who was sitting on her chair while looking outside of the class. "Are you okay? Don't think too much about the article. I'm sure that person is trying to bring you down."

Heeseo showed a very thin smile and nodded. She was deep in thought after reading the article. Is it possible if the villain was her own friend? She trusted her a lot but the sitution confused her a lot.

"Do you suspect or know who did it, Jake?''

Her question made him hesitate to tell it or not. What would she feel when she know the real truth?



"Did you see the recent article on school's blog?"

"Why? I haven't see yet.''

''You have to see it."

He took out his phone from his pocket and immediately opened the school's blog. An article caught his attention and frowned by the content of it. He looked at Eunyoung who already smirked widely.

"Are you the cause of it?"

She chuckled and tapped his shoulder. "You already answer your own question."

"Why? I don't get it why?"

"Obviously, I want to get first place too. I hate being compared by my mother with her. Watching her miserable satisfied me a lot. I have been waiting for this time to come."

"You are so selfish."

''Why? I got first place without cheating. She unintentionally failed on chemistry so i had nothing to do with it.''

"Did you know, you are the only person she has to rely on? Now you're betraying her?"

She crossed her arms, ''Life is all about a competition, Jake. Whatever it is, I have to put myself first."

"It's not a competition, it's a selfishness." Jake was about to leave her but she grabbed his hand quickly.

"I like you, Jake." she bluntly confessed.

"I don't like you, Eunyoung. Sorry.''

"Why? Are you fall for her?" she questioned him.

He ran out of words. No words could come out from his mouth as he didn't know what to say about it. One thing he sure about....

"Yes. I fall for her." He said before he really left her hanging.

Jake watched at Heeseo who was sipping her strawberry milk slowly. The story about her spread all around the school as fast as the bolt. She had no idea how she would deal with it.

Students were looking at her weirdly and started to talk shit about her again. She was now at the cafeteria, stiring her noodle continously without take a bite of it. She had no apetite to eat after what have done. 

"She's miserable.''

"She's not as good as what I expected her to be.''

"It will be a shame if you are stepped on by your own friend."

Heeseo listened to all their talks  about her. She tried to close her sense from hearing it more but the more she closed her eyes, the more she could hear a bad things about her.

Tears would fall anytime soon but she held it as she doesn't want people know that she was weak. 

"Let's go somewhere else." Jake took her hand and brought her to the school's rooftop.

Heeseo kept her head low as she didn't want to look at the stare on her. Jake noticed it and fastened his steps so she would not feel the uncomfortable stare.

A soft breeze greeted their face once they reached to the rooftop. Jake let her to take a seat on of the chair. He could hear a quite sobbed but he choose to let her be. There must be a lot of thing she kept it alone.

Jake pulled a chair to sit beside her and let her crying in his arm. He did not care less when her tears wet his shirt. He just want to be the one who always beside her. The one who always on her ups and downs. 

"I forgot to bring tissues. Just use my shirt to wipe it."

Jake hugged her from beside and let her head lean on his broad shoulder. "Cry as much as you want.''

"I will always by your side."

"Don't bottle it up alone."

"Don't fight with your own self."

"Don't think about what others said about you."

"Don't take any of their words."

"They do not know what you have been through."

"They only saw your strong side, but never look at your weak side.''

Heeseo took her other hand and grapsed on it as a way to release her pain. Jake looked at the sight of it and took her hand on his.

"Passed it to me. Let us feel the pain together."

Jake tightened his grip on hers and looked into her eyes "You're my weakness. When you cried, it brokes me a lot. You are very fragile in my eyes. Only people were too harsh and give you the double standard."

Her pain, he could feel it. He did not her to go through it alone. He wanted to feel the pain together.

Jake held her jaw and brushed off some of her hair strains. The next moment, he kissed her softly yet passionately. He wanted to get rid of her pain. He could feel her tears fall on his cheek as he could feel tears fall from his eyes too.

ALWAYS [제이크]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora