8 : juice

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"Class dismissed. " Mrs. Yoo dismissed the class and walked away.

Heeseo quickly pulled Eunyoung to the cafeteria because she doesn't want to meet Jake.

"Hold on. Hold on. Why are you so rushing? Are you that hungry? " she asked her friend while stopping herself from being dragged.

Heeseo just nodded and get in line to take the food. They wandering their eyes for an empty seat and found one. It's full at the cafeteria and usually there's a lot of empty seat. They eat peacefully even though it was so noisy there.

Eunyoung stood up from her seat, "Where you want to go? "

"I want to grab some juices. Wait here. " Heeseo looked at her friend walked to the vending machine.

She continued to eat not until she saw Jake's holding his food tray, looking for a seat. She hid her face by her long hair and lowering her head.

Eunyoung saw him alone and approached him. "Hi, Jake. Want to join us. There's an empty seat too. "

Jake raised his eyebrows, feeling confused. "Oh, you might not notice. I'm your classmates by the way. Eunyoung. "
He nodded and followed her.

"Damn you Yoo Eunyoung. Why you need to bring him here?" Heeseo cursed inside her mind.

Jake sat across them and looked at Heeseo who's tried to hide her face. "Heeseo what are you doing? Greet him. "

Heeseo raised her chin a little and bowed to him using her head. He knitted his eyebrows and looked at her weirdly. Eunyoung let out an awkward laughed. "She usually not like this. "

Eunyoung straightened Heeseo shoulders making her to look up. She met his eyes for the second time today and laughed awkwardly. She quickly finished her food without facing her friends.

"Yours." Eunyoung passed her the juice she took earlier. She look at the juice and realized it was the same juice Jake gave to her last night. Apple juice, her favourite.

Heeseo choked on her food and put down her spoon. "Why? Eat slowly. No one will chase you. " Eunyoung patted her back and open the juice for her.

Jake just looking at the two best friends and chuckled. She doesn't know that he actually recognized her already.

A student approached and bowed to them, "Sorry for bothering you but senior Eunyoung, there's a meeting of students council in a few minute. They were looking for you."

Eunyoung look at the student and swallowed her food quickly. "Why there's a meeting at this time?"

She stood up and patted Heeseo head like a baby. "I'll go first. Finished your food, okay?" she then left her dumbfounded with Jake.

Heeseo faced straight to Jake's face and smiled slightly. Two of the sit awkwardly and eat their food without utter a words.

"I guess you really like the juice. " Jake break the awkwardness and point the juice by his chin.

"It's delicious though. "

He hummed as response, "That's why you can not resist the juice last day. "

She looked up and speechless. "So you recognize me? "

"It's obvious that I can't recognize you. "

"This is so embarrassing. " she looked down and cursing in her mind.

"I guess I accidentally took your favourite juice. It's my favourite too actually. "

"Nobody asked. "

"I'm just saying. "

They remained silent again. "You know, your face last time was so very horrible. "

"Don't talk about it. " she firmed her words.

"I thought you're a ghost for real. "

"There's no ghost will hit you. "

"Right. I'm wondering about it too. But why are you crying that night? " he asked her.

"It's nothing. "

Jake nodded his head as he need to know his limits to not butting into others problem.


They walked together to the class after finished the food. Heeseo walked at the back and Jake glanced at her a few times. But she only give a sign for him to continue walked.

Then she saw Ji Joon with his friends hovering around the school grounds. She quickly hid herself at the corner as she started to tremble. She clenched her fist to hold herself from trembling too hard.

"Did anyone saw Heeseo? " he asked the students who walked passed him.

"Who's Heeseo? "

"Are you really do not know her? She's your favourite senior, Lee Heeseung sister. "

They started to questioning who's his sister. As they know, he doesn't have any sister because they're hiding it all this time.

Ji Joon hissed, "Where did she goes? I'm already visited her class but she's not there. "

Jake who heard about it turn around to faced her but she's no longer there. He searched for her and found she's hugging her knees at corner.

He kneeled down to her levels. "Are you okay? "

He asked but she doesn't respond. He saw her patting her shoulders as she tried to calm herself. He waited for her to calm down and hesitate to pat her, because he need to know if she's okay with it otherwise, she will feel uncomfortable.

Jake looked around if there's Ji Joon presence again. "He's not here already. "

She looked up and stood before she cleaned the dirt from her attire.

"Let's go. " she said and went to class leaving him dumbfounded.

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