Chapter 11. Last Night?(M)

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Vernon was collecting some important documents before leaving for the meeting.
He was upset for his baby, that he has to go through alot he might let Jimin choose the person he love if it was not Jungkook but he will never let Jungkook to have Jimin at any cost. According to him, he doesn't deserve Jimin he is not powerful enough to take care of his preciousness and how he can let Jungkook be happy so easily.

But soon, he calms down and diverts his attention towards the meeting.

After collecting all the documents and files Vernon left the mansion for the meeting, he has to reach at the border of the Busan because these investors are actually a smugglers who controls all the ports there in busan. This meeting will gonna be so fruitful for him because he is going to get more investment of course but also the good relations with them will help him for his shipments from their ports too. So he excitedly left the mansion.



Jungkook was sitting on his couch in his room while having wine, tears where rolling down on his cheeks non stop he didn't even bother himself to wipe them because no matter how many times he tried they roll down back again. He was so upset, angry and sad with the whole situation, he even started cursing himself because if he could have been powerful enough to protect his Omega then nobody would try take his Omega away from him. He gulped down a whole glass of wine in a one go.

Then after finishing it he stands up and with the wobbly legs he walks towards the exit, he supports himself with the help of furniture around him soon he dragged himself out of the room while taking support of the walls too but still tripping here and there on his way.

His mind was blank because of the pain he was feeling right now. He lost the person his heart chose,  he lost the feeling of love he found after searching for so long, he lost the feeling to call someone his because his omega is going to be someone's else's soon.

His mind has accepted the reality, but what should he do about his stubborn heart who is not accepting it. He starts feeling that his body is burning into the flames of reality. In which he is nothing but a mere bodyguard or a helper. He didn't achieve anything in his life yet, though he was a golden student during his whole life. But he never focus on his career before, may be if he could have been serious about his choices or about his career he would have been a big business man like Taehyung so that Jimin's family would have chose him for there Jimin. He feels so helpless and blames himself for his loss.

He was walking aimlessly in the dark corridors. All the servants had left the house to sleep in their sleeping chambers far in the backyard.

Suddenly, the mansion was giving an eerie feeling because of the darkness and quiet atmosphere. But he didn't feel much and continued his walk aimlessly into deep thoughts and self-criticism. Soon, he stopped in front of a very familiar door, and he didn't realize when his feet took him to his lovers' bedroom.

Then soon the reality hits him that how his own best friend whom he always considered as his brother his only family is snatching his love away from him. But the most amusing fact is that he himself is just an audience of this sad drama and not making enough efforts to save his love from taking away so brutally.

Suddenly his body temperature rose up, his doe eyes become red, soon his anger replaced the dizzy and self criticized guy for letting go his Omega so easily without even fighting for him so he angrily pushed the door open with force.

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