Wonwoo knew this was happening for real, his head was hurting so much that he could not even think straight anymore. It felt like he fell into some another universe instead of falling flat on the ground.

His head felt heavy and soon tiredness seeped through his whole body, his eyes started to feel heavy and before he knew it sleep embraced him.

Wonwoo kept dreaming of falling of that building. He woke up sweating profusely, he hoped once he opens his eyes all this will be a dream but he found himself in that same room. His head was not hurting anymore but still he felt like shit.

He looked around once again. He knew more or less that either he transmigrated to this place or he is stuck in a limbo. He racked his brain for nearly an hour trying to remember all the novels or manga he read about transmigration.

Suddenly his eyes fell on the mirror. He really needed to know if he looked like himself or like a different person.

He managed to get off his bed, he staggered a bit but he steadied himself and headed towards the mirror.

He slowly poked his head in front of the mirror, he heaved a sigh of relief when he saw his own face reflecting back at him.

Transmigration or not, he decided it's not that bad. At least he is alive what can possibly go wrong for a supposed prince.

Still he was anxious and couldn't wrap his head around everything that was happening.
His body didn't feel like his own and he suddenly started to panic at the mere thought of that. He struggled to open his attire which was no wonder straight out of a historical drama. He felt like himself only when he saw the scar near his stomach. He felt more like himself now that he was sure it's his own body.

He heaved a sigh of relief and ...

"My Lord, are you inside." A head peeked into the room nervously.

Woonwoo took in the tall, handsomely clothed guy standing at the door gaping in horror.

It took Wonwoo a whole minute to realize why the guy seemed shocked or possibly traumatized.

Wonwoo nervously fiddled with his robe and after struggling for a while he managed to put it back on. It wasn't like he opened his whole robe, he couldn't understand why the person seemed so traumatized.

The room felt akwardly silent.

"Who are you?" Wonwoo asked more or less to fill the silence.

The guy at the door collected himself and bowed. "My name is Mingyu, the emperor assigned me as your personal guard from today onwards."

Wonwoo was at loss, everything was happening too fast for him to think straight.
He couldn't decide if this was a blessing or a curse in disguise. Nevertheless he was happy he got a second chance at life with all his body parts intact which was more or less supposed to end up in a pool of bloody mess.

Wonwoo struggled to meet the eyes of the taller one given the recent trauma he gave to the guy a few minutes ago.

Wonwoo's eyes travelled towards the taller guy, he had sharp features with broad shoulders and his raven eyes were eying Wonwoo like a prey.

"Oh" Wonwoo nodded nonchalantly.

"I am the General's son." Mingyu took a few steps forward, his eyes never leaving Wonwoo.

"Given the circumstances that the Crown Prince was attacked two months back and now that you were food poisoned and your near drowning incident last month, the Emperor said he will no longer allow you to stay without a guard." The taller boy stopped a few feet away from Wonwoo as he spoke in a dominating mellow voice.

Wonwoo looked up at the taller boy questioningly. The melanin of the taller boy seemed like it was dipped in honey as the various shades of sunset reached his face through the windows.

Mingyu couldn't help but shiver internally as the prince kept looking at him.

"Umm... Sorry for the inconvenience but I am not allowed to leave your side for your safely." Mingyu gulped.

"Okay." The prince nodded. Wonwoo knew he had no choice about it anways, he was always a chill person to begin with so he had absolutely no problem with a guard protecting him, even though the guard seemed a bit off.

Wonwoo waited for the guard to leave his room but the guy just kept standing there like a lost puppy.

"You can leave now. I got it." Wonwoo humphed.

"No, I won't leave." The taller one mumbled.

"Huh?!" Wonwoo eyed the taller guy challengingly as he took a few steps closer towards him.


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