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"Silver, then. You know I'll take the Audi," I add, chastened by my thoughts.

Troy pales, sensing he's losing a sale. "Perhaps you'd like the convertible, ma'am?" he asks, clapping his hands with enthusiasm.

My subconscious is cringing in disgust, mortified by the whole buying-a-car business, but my inner goddess tackles her to the floor. Convertible? Drool!

Jungkook frowns and peers at me. "Convertible?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I flush. It's like he has a direct hotline to my inner goddess, which of course, he has. It's most inconvenient at times. I stare down at my hands.

Jungkook turns to Troy. "What are the safety stats on the convertible?"

Troy, sensing Jungkook's vulnerability, heads in for the kill, reeling off all manner of statistics.

Of course, Jungkook wants me safe. It's a religion with him, and like the zealot he is, he listens intently to Troy's well-honed patter. Fifty really does care.

Yes. I do. I remember his whispered, choked words from this morning, and a melting glow spreads like warm honey through my veins. This man - God's gift to women - loves me. I find myself grinning goofily at him, and when he glances down at me, he's amused yet puzzled by my expression. I just want to hug myself, I am so happy.

"Whatever you're high on, I'd like some, Miss Manobal," he murmurs as Troy heads off to his computer.

"I'm high on you, Mr. Jeon."

"Really? Well you certainly look intoxicated." He kisses me briefly. "And thank you for accepting the car. That was easier than last time."

"Well, it's not an Audi A3."

He smirks. "That's not the car for you."

"I liked it."

"Sir, the 9-3? I've located one at our Beverly Hills dealership. We can have it here for you in a couple of days." Troy glows with triumph.

"Top of the range?"

"Yes, sir."

"Excellent." Jungkook produces his credit card, or is it Taylor's? The thought is unnerving. I wonder how Taylor is, and if he's located Leila in the apartment. I rub my forehead.

Yes, there's all of Jungkook's baggage, too.

"If you'll come this way, Mr." - Troy glances at the name on the card - "Jeon."

Jungkook opens my door, and I climb back into the passenger seat.

"Thank you," I say when he's seated beside me.

He smiles.

"You're most welcome, Lalisa."

The music starts again as Jungkook starts the engine.

"Who's this?" I ask.

"Eva Cassidy."

"She has a lovely voice."

"She does, she did."


"She died young."


"Are you hungry? You didn't finish all your breakfast." He glances quickly at me, disapproval outlined on his face.

Uh-oh. "Yes."

"Lunch first, then."

Jungkook drives toward the waterfront then heads north along the Alaskan Way. It's another beautiful day in Seattle. It's been uncharacteristically fine for the last few weeks, I muse.

Jungkook looks happy and relaxed as we sit back listening to Eva Cassidy's sweet, soulful voice and cruise down the highway. Have I ever felt this comfortable in his company before? I don't know.

I am less nervous of his moods, confident that he won't punish me, and he seems more comfortable with me, too. He turns left, following the coast road, and eventually pulls up in a parking lot opposite a vast marina.

"We'll eat here. I'll open your door," he says in such a way that I know it's not wise to move, and I watch him move around the car. Will this ever get old?

We stroll arm in arm to the waterfront where the marina stretches out in front of us.

"So many boats," I murmur in wonder. There are hundreds of them in all shapes and sizes, bobbing up and down on the calm, still waters of the marina. Out on the Sound there are dozens of sails in the wind, weaving to and fro, enjoying the fine weather. It's a wholesome, outdoorsy sight. The wind has picked up a little, so I pull my jacket around me.

"Cold?" he asks and pulls me tightly against him.

"No, just admiring the view."

"I could stare at it all day. Come, this way."

Jungkook leads me into a large seafront bar and makes his way to the counter. The de-cor is more New England than West Coast - white-limed walls, pale blue furnishings, and boating paraphernalia hanging everywhere. It's a bright, cheery place.

"Mr. Jeon!" the barman greets Jungkook warmly. "What can I get you this afternoon?"

"Dante, good afternoon." Jungkook grins as we both slip onto bar stools. "This lovely lady is Lalisa Manobal."

"Welcome to SP's Place." Dante gives me a friendly smile. He's black and beautiful, his dark eyes assessing me and not finding me wanting, it seems. One large diamond stud winks at me from his ear. I like him immediately.

"What would you like to drink, Lalisa?"

I glance at Jungkook, who regards me expectantly. Oh, he's going to let me choose.

"Please, call me Lisa, and I'll have whatever Jungkook's drinking." I smile shyly at Dante. Fifty's so much better at wine than I am.

"I'm going to have a beer. This is the only bar in Seattle where you can get Adnam's Explorer."

"A beer?"

"Yes." He grins at me. "Two Explorers, please, Dante."

Dante nods and sets up the beers on the bar.

"They do a delicious seafood chowder here," Jungkook says.

He's asking me.

"Chowder and beer sounds great." I smile at him.

"Two chowders?" Dante asks.

"Please." Jungkook grins at him.

We talk through our meal, as we never have before. Jungkook is relaxed and calm - he looks young, happy, and animated despite all that transpired yesterday. He recounts the history of Jeon Enterprises Holdings, and the more he reveals, the more I sense his passion for fixing problem companies, his hopes for the technology he's developing, and his dreams of making land in the third world more productive. I listen enraptured. He's funny, clever, philanthropic, and beautiful, and he loves me.

In turn, he plagues me with questions about Ray and my mom, about growing up in the lush forests of Montesano, and my brief stints in Texas and Vegas. He demands to know my favorite books and films, and I'm surprised by how much we have in common.

As we talk, it strikes me that he's turned from Hardy's Alec to Angel, debasement to high ideal in such a short space of time.

It's after two when we finish our meal. Jungkook settles the tab with Dante, who wishes us a fond farewell.

"This is a great place. Thank you for lunch," I say as Jungkook takes my hand and we leave the bar.

"We'll come again," he says, and we stroll along the waterfront. "I wanted to show you something."

"I know... and I can't wait to see it, whatever it is."


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