But I still am.

I'm scared shit of what the future holds for us. Should I still do this? Should I go ahead, forget the past and do this?

Instinctively, I raise my hand to knock on the door, anticipating a reply but there is nothing.

I knock again, this time louder. Before I can begin to get worried, I hear a low voice. "Come in."

I touch the doorknob and push the door open. I see him lying on his back on the bed, files and paperwork all around him, a glass cup of wine on the coffee table, and the tray of food still covered.

My heart sinks.

But I have become braver. I look away from the disorganized room and clear my throat. That did the trick because he shoots to his feet instantly with wide eyes when he spots me by the door.

"Isabella?" His eyes are still wild open and I see him blinking several times to be sure it is me and not one of his imagination.

I am sure he has countless imaginations of me dragging my suitcases back into his house. But that isn't happening.

Not now. Not anytime soon.

When I am not saying a word, he takes long strides toward me. The moment he is close by, he engulfs me into a tight hug.

It is taking a whole lot of courage for me to keep my hands to my side. Not when he is looking smoking handsome as always with his transparent t-shirt on and shorts.

Jayden is a f***ing Greek god. His vulnerability right now doesn't make him less of a Greek god, it adds to his smoking handsomeness and I can imagine smoke coming out from every part of his body to complement my literal statement.

"You are an asshole", I say, which makes him release me from the one-sided hug. He tilts his head sideways to figure out if I am joking or being serious.

"You are an asshole", I repeat and he still looks damn confused. He must have forgotten that he called himself that and I am agreeing with the fact that he was and is still an asshole.

"You called yourself an asshole, remember?" I remind him and his face lights up in remembrance, replacing his confused expression. 

He nods and smiles, his hands dropping off my body.

I feel the absence of his touch. Sadly, I haven't felt this touch in months and I can't believe I force myself not to crave this.

What have I turned to?

"I came to tell you that I forgive you", I announce, making the reason for my visit known.

His eyes beam in happiness. 

"I just thought I should be here to tell you that. It won't be nice to do that over the phone because you came all the way to my house to ask me for forgiveness", I continue. He looks lost for words so I thought it was time to go. "Now that I have said what I came here for, I should go. Can I borrow your driver for a few minutes?"

I peer down at him expecting a sad expression. But all I see right now is twinkles of amusement and I wonder what it is that is amusing him.

When he saw me, he must have thought that I was here to stay but he is wrong.

I must have burst his bubble by going straight to the point and telling him that I'm going in just a few minutes of being here.

My dress, bag, and shoes have done a great job.

He nods at my question and I turn to take the exit when he suddenly pulls me back and slams his lips on mine, my big belly serving as a huge obstacle for him to get closer to hug me tight and never let me go.




This should better be your response. Don't hate on my dear Isabella. Remember you once hated Jayden too😂😂😂

Anyways, I love Jayden and Isabella. What do you make of their characters?

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Guess what?

We have two chapters left😃💃💃💃💃

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