"When did Micheal start dating my client?" I ask. "They started dating back then in varsity I think they were doing their diplomas or something." he says. "When did he introduce you to my client?" "Around 6 months after they started dating." 

"What kind of person would you describe Bulelwa in your own opinion?" I ask. "At first i thought she was some gold digger because Micheal was rich and all that and she looked like a nobody." he says. "But as time went by did you warm up to her?" "No."

"Why not?" I ask. "I wasn't feeling her vibe or energy. The only reason why i tolerated her was because Micheal asked me to accept her and i did it for the sake of my friend." he says. "You have only seen Micheal verbally abuse his wife?" "Yes."

"Tell me about one incident where you witnessed the abuse." I say. "Me and my wife came over cause we were having a double date. While Bulelwa and my wife were in the kitchen, me and Micheal were in the living room talking and he started making fun of how Bulelwa was gaining weight and she looked ugly. When they served us our food, she accidentally spilt his drink on his shirt and he started insulting her." he says.

"Did anything else happen besides that?" I ask. "I think it's like he remembered that he had guests and he started apologizing and then we had to pretend like everything was okay." he says. "Did you witness more or was that the only one?" "It was only that one."

"Do you think that Bulelwa killing her husband was the right thing to do?" I ask. "No. She should have reported him to the police station if the abuse was that bad but knowing Micheal he could have easily found a way to get out of jail cause he was rich and had connections." he says.

"Do you believe that Bulelwa was physically abused by Micheal?" I ask. "Yes." he says. "Has your opinion about her changed?" "No but then i feel empathy for her and what she had to endure all these years." "That will be it your honour." I sit down.

I like this guy's honesty and the fact that he didn't sugarcoat the last part. I don't know when was the last time I felt like I'm dealing with a proper case.

"The next session is on the 7th of November at 12:15. Case is adjourned." says the judge. She hits the gavel and stands up and leaves. We all stand up and walk outside. We walk to their car.

"I'm glad that he was honest and didn't try painting me as a bad guy or anything." says Bulelwa. "I'm also glad but what made me almost laugh was when he told me that he still doesn't like you. I thought he was going to be like yes i view you in a different light and all that." I say and they chuckle. "It's better than him lying." says her sister. "That's true."

"We'll see each other at the next meeting." I say. "Okay stay safe." she says. "Salen'kahle." (Stay safe.) We go our separate ways. We get inside the car and i drive off to Nandos to buy us some food.

"Do you want the chicken and rice combo or we going to share this full chicken and sides?" I ask. "Nah it's fine I'll buy something from the cafeteria." says Tintswalo. "Nope i won't let you waste money on that good for nothing expensive cafeteria so which one is which." "Is it fine if i have both?" "It's more than okay. I was hoping you would say that so it doesn't seem like i eat too much." She laughs.

"And next time when I offer to buy you food all you have to do is tell me what you want cause this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." I say and she chuckles. "I'm taking notes." she says and i laugh. We order the food and i pay then drive back to work.

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