To the Abuser From the Abused ⚠️ tw ⚠️

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He started as a roll model,

But what he does is fake.

You thought you had a supermodel?

Fuck you, we like our cake.

Forget about the other times,

You made her take the bait.

You’re sickening and dispicible,

Don’t lie to yourself; it’s true.

You knew you were slime the whole time,

But you never gave a clue.

Mental abuse is simply unjust,

Don’t forget- we know your ques.

You think it’s something hidden,

But you give off a thousand clues.

So maybe when you state my name,

Don’t say it with such disgust.

Your words are even garbage,

Your everything I’ll never trust.

Shattered PhasesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ