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I fought off kraang zombies, making sure Mikey, Leo, and Casey were alright. Leo wasnt retreating like I had suggested, Casey hadn't said a word. I was unsure who's side Mikey was on by now. I turned to my box turtle brother, making sure he was okay. I look up, only to see the kraang train monster about to crush Mikey as he attempted his "Mystic hands" trick. Without a second thought I rushed after him, tackling him and shielding him from the oncoming boulder being slammed onto us. I opened my eyes, only to see Mikey's horrified face. I heard faint muffled yelling in the distance. I assumed it was Leo, or the kraang zombies. Mikey started speaking too, I could hear him clearer, though it was still pretty muffled. "Donnie. . . Your soft shell- it's exposed-'' I heard him speak softly, I could tell he was panicked but was trying to hide it as best he could. "Ugh. ." I winced, turning to the creature. "We gotta find shelter!" I called out, dragging Mikey behind me as I felt a sudden adrenaline rush. We ran into the turtle-tank and closed the door, slicing off a head-like limb from the attacking vines. I held back the urge to vomit, then winced. I had to sit down. Mikey was freaking out over the speaker band, screaming dramatically that we were getting "squished"

PT 1: Aftermath

Donetello: He woke up, groaning as he opened his eyes only to be blinded by the bright light in the med bay. He squeezed them shut instantly, covering them with his arm.

Michelangelo: He walked in, smiling joyfully. "Yay! You're awake! But why so early?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow and walking over. He set a cup of tea down on the stand beside the bed, then sat on the edge.

Donetello: He opened his eyes again, slowly. "I- I dunno-" He suddenly winced, letting out a whimper of pain. He started shaking, bad.

Michelangelo: "Not again- Raph! Leo! It's happening again!" He called, panicking. "it's okay D, you're gonna be okay-" He helped his brother lay back down, on his side though as to make sure he didn't put any pressure on his shell. He sighed, seeing the large marks and bruises where the boulder had hit. You could clearly see the main spot it had hit, directly in the middle. It was a sickly green-purple with a hint of red mixed in. He patted his brother's shoulder as the other two ran in, holding some pain medicine, healing ointment, and bandages.

Raphael: "It's gonna be okay dude, it'll be alright-" He said calmly, though his face showed he was clearly worried. He gave Donnie the medicine, sitting him upright as Leo applied the ointment and bandages.

Donetello: He shook lightly, in a lot of pain, it hurt bad. This was almost as bad as the first time. He attempted to speak but all that came out were choked up cries.

Leonardo: "It's alright twin bro, just stay still and don't move too much. It's gonna be alright." He said, surprisingly not making a pun or cracking a joke. He knew it wouldn't work right now, it was a bad time for it anyway.

Michelangelo: "Donnie, Don't fall asleep. The doctor said that's dangerous if you do when these are happening-" He said frantically.

Donetello: He made a slight nod, it wasn't hard to stay awake. He gripped Raph's large finger tightly, squeezing it as small bursts of pain shot out from his back.

Raphael: He let him, knowing it was a way of comfort for the soft-shell when he was in pain. It didn't hurt anyway, Donnie being the weakest out of the four physically. He smiled as his brother's grip loosened slowly. Then laid his brother back down when he let go. "See, it wasn't as bad as last time, was it?"

Donetello: He shook his head slightly, rasping out an answer finally. "N- no-"

Leonardo: He smiled as his brother stopped the pained cries. Then put his hand on his shoulder. "Next time, just call out for us, K?" He said.

Donetello: "I- I'll tr- ry-" He coughed out. Then laid his head back, closing his eyes but not falling asleep.

Michelangelo: "At least you're okay D, that's all that matters." He chirped. "Why don't you try drinking some tea and eating breakfast? I made both myself" He said proudly.

Raphael: "Hey! I helped! With the clean up-" He muttered, seeming slightly embarrassed.

Leonardo: "Well just at least try and drink the tea, can you at least do that?"

Donetello: "M- maybe-" He rasped, sitting up ever so slowly and reaching for the cup. He was assisted by Mikey, who also helped with his shaking. For some reason he couldn't keep his arms still. They visibly shook, sometimes almost spilling the tea. He took a sip, tasting the bittersweet leaves and root flavoring. He caught a hint of honey and lemon, as well as some dandelion root and butterfly pea flowers in the flavoring. His favorite. He took another sip, then set it down in his lap, still holding onto the handle so it didn't fall. "Thank- ks guys-"

Michelangelo: "No prob!"

Raphael: "Don't mention it lil' bro"

Leonardo: "Anything for my brother."

Donetello: He smiled, then looked back down at the tea.

Raphael: "Alright Don, we'll leave you alone to rest. Just remember, holler out to us if this happens again. C'mon Mikey, you too Leo." He dragged the two out.

Donetello: He sat there in silence for a while, then turned to look at his shell. The bandages didn't cover it all. He saw the purple-pink vine-shaped wounds slowly creep up his shell. He let out a sigh. Then looked at the calendar that lay on the nightstand. It was filled with events and such. Tomorrow is my next visit with the doctor. . . I wonder how that's gonna go- He thought with a small sigh. He decided to go to sleep.

ROTTMNT What if?: Shell shocked scientistUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum