15 - Free Tommy

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I watched Thomas curiously as he dreamed. He would mumble words, some I could understand, others not at all. His head would sometimes jerk to the side or his body would shake. His face was the most interesting part. He smiled, then he furrowed his eyebrows, then he frowned. So many emotions in one dream. Maybe he was remembering things like I did. Maybe we were going through the same things. I was starting to think this Thomas guy knows more then he's saying. And, possibly, he would be of better use to us alive than dead.

When he woke up, he began talking to Harriet. I decided to join their tea party so I could hear what he had to say. This conversation would most likely cause him life or death at this point.

"Pretty sure I'd choose the option of not killing myself," I heard Thomas say as I stood next to Harriet.

"Don't be a jerk. This isn't funny. If you could choose, and the two options were you die or all of us die, which one would you pick? This is all about you or us."

"I know what I would choose," I butted in.
Both of them looked at me and I smirked.
"I would choose to not get myself killed, then make sure everyone else lived too."

"But what if someone died because we didn't kill you?" Harriet asked.

"If that happened, I guess you could kill me then. What do you think Tommy?"

He rolled his eyes at my nickname. "If I were in your shoes, I'd choose not to kill me."

"Easy for you to say, since it's your life on the line," Harriet scoffed.

"It's not that. I think it's some kind of test and maybe your not really supposed to do it. Maybe we should share what we know, figure something out."

"How am I supposed to know that this isn't a test?" I questioned. "Hm?!"

"You have to think of all the possibilities here. What would be the better option at this point. I might know more that will help you, help all of us," Thomas tried to convince me.

I remained silent for a moment before speaking, "Have you lost a friend, Tommy?"

He became bewildered at my question. It took him awhile to come up with answer but I knew it was going to be sincere.

"Yes," he nodded. "His name was Chuck."

"Who killed him?"

"Gally. He was part of our group."

My jaw tensed up. "Do you think about his death?"

"All the time."

I stared into his eyes. "I've lost two. Rachael, she was killed by Beth, a girl from our group. Then Sonya died because of two fucking Cranks. There's not a day that goes by that they aren't somewhere in the back of my mind. So, Tommy, would your friends back there feel the same guilt that we feel? Would they wish every single day of their lives that you were alive again?"

"Yes, they would. If you kill me, you would give them the same pain. No one deserves that. If you kill me, they'll kill you too because that's what I wanted to do to Gally."

"You just saved yourself, congrats," I smiled while I patted his shoulder.


After the speech Thomas gave everyone, well everyone except Teresa, we all gathered together to talk about killing him or not.

"If he's right, and this really is a test, then what would be the best option for us? I mean, we can't just trust him right off the bat," Harriet began.

"You have to think about the variables," I urged. "If this has any purpose then we have to decide what to do ourselves."

"What if he's lying?" Elizabeth put in. "If I were in his shoes I would say anything. Everything he's told us about WICKED could be some carefully made up plan."

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