07 - Three Dreams

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Why was it quiet?

That thought entered my head after the girls came into the common area. I ignored their gasps and shocked faces as I jogged over to the room we had slept in.

It was slightly dark, the only light that came in was from the ceiling. That made me realize that the windows were covered.

"How is this possible?" Harriet said when she stood beside me. She touched the brick wall just outside the iron bars of the window. "It's completely dry, no way they could do this in that short amount of time."

"I'm not complaining. At least they blocked out the Crank's singing."

"Yeah, for once I agree with you entirely."
It was silent for a moment before Harriet spoke again. "I'm sorry for getting so upset about every little thing. It's just that they expect me to help all of them and lead them without a second thought, but I'm tired. I'm so damn tired of all of it."

I wasn't good at sympathizing with people. It made me uncomfortable and awkward. But I knew she needed to talk to someone, so I called Sonya into the room.

"Nurture," I whispered into her ear before leaving them by themselves.


Three separate dreams on three separate days.

It seemed like the only thing I've done on those empty days was sleep, drink sink water, and dream. Because of those dreams I felt angry, confused, sad, and afraid.


"Go ahead," a woman in white said. "Tell us your plan."

I looked to only be a year younger, maybe less. I was sitting at a metallic table with my hands folded. My face was serious as I gathered my bearings.

"To get what WICKED needs for the cure I think we need another variable. That variable is me," I began to explain. "I suggest that I go into the Maze."

"But we already have Teresa, why would we need you too?" the woman asked.

"I will go in way before Teresa is even aware that she's going in too. This will create even more confusion for them when months later another girl arrives. But, while I'm there, I need an accident to happen."

A man leaned forward in his hair. "What kind of accident?"

"When one of the boys goes into the Maze, I want a Griever to attack him, not sting him. I want him to get hurt, but nothing that will kill him or injure him for life. This, my friends, will give you fear," I told them. "If we are going to get these patterns, the only way is to create as many variables as possible without making everything too obvious."

"You're catching my attention, go on," she urged.

"By saying that we need as many variables as we can get our hands on I will purpose this idea to you also," I paused to clear my throat. "I want a boy to die, and I want to kill him."


A gun was shot into the air. The loud noise echoed all around me as I lowered my arm. I tossed the firearm to the side before looking around to see everyone watching me.

"I'm working for WICKED."

I only said said four words and it started a whole war amongst grown men and woman. Some of them tried to fight me, some of them tried to fight each other. It was a mess, but I didn't look to care at all.

"Thank you for all of information you have given me. I will truly miss you all, and I mean that. I will never forget what you have done for me, but I don't agree with what you are doing, just like you don't agree with WICKED. If you stopped hitting each other you could realize that we are both doing what we think is right," I said.

"You used us!" a short woman screamed in anger.

"Don't criticize me about using people, Myra. You've been thinking about joining up with WICKED ever since you got here. You're just going with what ever side you think is winning," I scoffed. "Honestly you are pathetic." Myra glanced around with panic in her eyes. "Just look under her mattress, you'll find all the information that shows she's been communicating with them for weeks."

After I said that the group of people became too distracted with her that they forgot about me. It gave me the chance to slip out of the building unnoticed.


"Go faster, Minho!" I yelled. "I thought you were a Runner."

I was in the Maze. But it looked different from what I remembered. The one major difference was that there were boys all around instead of girls.

I was getting a piggyback ride from the boy, Minho. He was running through the tall grass with me clinging to him.

"Sorry your majesty. It's just that, maybe, I don't run with a person on my back everyday," he said, sarcasm lacing his voice.

Suddenly I was launched off of him and onto the ground. Luckily I landed on my back and only had the wind knocked out of me. Minho on the other hand ended up face planting into the dirt.

I scrambled over to him as he sat in the grass while rubbing his face. "Thanks for that," he groaned. "I love falling and getting my face smashed."

"I'm so sorry," I apologized. I touched the scratch on his tan face and he cringed. "Are you okay?"

"Shucking dandy."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious. Nothing's broken is it?"

"My heart is," he smirked.

"How am I supposed to fix your heart, huh?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the long grass so that I was lying below him. Minho hovered over me, his face getting closer to mine. I finally pulled him in so our lips met.

"You're good at fixing hearts, you should be a Med-Jack," Minho said when we separated. He laid down beside me and I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.

"Thanks, Minho. But I think I'll stick with fixing the heart of the boy I'm in love with."


Sorry this took so long. I was in Arizona for a week and I didn't have time to write. But, here it is!

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