34. Marriage .

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Manik was quiet after that. He had never thought in his wildest dreams that such a tension can create just for loving each other which will create a rift between two families. He didn't have dinner and went to sleep being tired. Nandini was very hurt with such reaction. She had no idea that her amms was against this relation. 

Amms tried to talk to nandu : Kanna listen to me Manik is good guy but I feel he is not good for you. He doesn't have any manners, how to talk to elders. He insulted me in front of everyone. 

Nandini : Amms please i don't want to talk about it. Manik was no where at fault. When you called him he was with me. Even I clarified it immediately why did you insulted Nyo maa? Where was she at fault Amms? She loved me always. 

You not only ended our relationship but also ended appa's friendship with raj Papa. Amms I am not feeling well, please let me take rest. 

Once Amms went from there Nandu called Manik which went unanswered. She called twice finally giving up at that stubborn head. 

She planned to manofy his monster because she knew that he was hurt by Nyo maa's insult. He was in a tough spot today. She fell asleep thinking of the eventful day. 

Next Morning:-

Raj called Raman for shopping for marriage clothes and jewellery. The conversation was very professional. Nyonika confronted Manik to select his wedding attire as well as Nandu's. He denied saying he is busy with his work and classes. He was so hurt with the reaction that too after such a grand engagement party, he was unable to understand where he went wrong?

He saw 2 missed calls from nandini and 5 text messages. He messaged her back "Busy with office work, go for shopping with mom if you want to." Nandu sighed reading the message. She went down to talk to amma. " Amma I have some important work. I will meet you in the mall directly, Please send me the location once you reach."

Ishita : Nandu did you talk to manik?

Nandu nodded her head in a no saying " No Mom he is hurt right now. i didn't knew that you guys were not happy with our relationship. "Saying this she went from there. She was thinking of surprising him with some unique idea.

When she was passing by a shop that caught her attention. "TATTOO HOUSE" 

She smirked and thought " Game on Mr. Malhotra"

She inked his name Manik just below her belly  in the torso which can only be seen by Manik. It was really painful for her. She gulped down her tears for him and called her mother for sending her the location. Nyonika and Ishita were present there waiting for Nandini. They greeted each other and went to select dresses for their functions. She had dreamt of grand wedding but all her dreams went in drain. Its seems like they are at gun point compelled to marry each other. Nandu had tears when she was choosing her own lehenga for the function and manik's sherwani. 

Nyonika : Nandu beta I insist you to eat something. 

Nandini : No maa I am not hungry. You guys carry on I am tired, need some rest. She went from there to divert herself in some work.

She was checking her mobile phone as if waiting for Manik's one call, but unfortunately there were none. She sighed and went to sleep . In the evening they all were getting ready for the sangeet function. Manik was still on office working on a project along with cabir. Nandu was getting ready when ishita came to her room. 

Ishita : Nandu Please forgive us. Its amma whom we cannot change my dear. I have also faced a lot of difficulty after my marriage but just because your father supported me , i didn't face any problem neither did i fell weak. 

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