5. Misunderstanding

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One Month Later ...

During their board exams of class 12th they were busy preparing for their papers and manik was simultaneously preparing for his Jee Mains. Nandini was not prepared yet what to do in life being a middle class girl she was aware of her financial conditions. She wanted to become a pilot in childhood as that fascinated her looking at aero planes but with time she started loving the jobs of IAS as one of her distant relative cousin brother of hers got admission in LBSNAA. she was confused with herself, looking at the fear of blood and injections it was very much clear that she was least interested in MBBS. Civil service is a dream of many but her happy go lucky nature and 0 preparation onwards it made that impossible as well. For now she wanted to enroll herself in a college where manik studies in Bsc. in zoology. She believed to live in the present so did not have any long term goals till date. 

After completing their studies manik got admissions in IIT Delhi. They were in constant touch with each other from spending evenings together to movie dates everything went smooth at that time.  manik was new to his feelings towards nandini and seeing the comfort level it seems more of friendship than and relationship. Nandini's whole world revolved around manik she also started applying for bsc in delhi and luckily got admissions in one of them but the shocking one was soha was also the one to go in IIT Delhi with Ece branch.

Before leaving for Delhi they planned a movie date in midnight at manik's mansion but soha surprised visited manik saying she was missing his friend and also started talking about their new lives in Delhi manik got indulged in the talks and completely forgot about their movie night. soha was more practical girl unlike nandini so manik found her a good company. manik's parents liked soha as they were business partners and nyonika was happy to know about soha studying in IIT Delhi. nandini came to her house at 10 pm and seeing soha see became angry. 

She closed her eyes for a minute and had all negative thoughts popped up but she controlled herself and asked 

Nandini: Manik shall we continue with our movie remember you promised me. 

Soha : (excitedly ) Really shall i join you both it will be fun yipiee...

Manik was well aware of nandu's mood but soha being her friend said yes reluctantly. nandu was pissed of by this idea. 

During the movie soha gave funny comments on every character which became fun chit chat but nandini was silent throughout and sulking but stayed quite. After finishing it off she went to her house angrily and did'nt stayed back. 

Early morning she came to manik's room but was socked seeing both of them sleeping together. 

Nandini: (Angrily) MANIKKK SOHAAA what are you both doing here.

manik woke up abruptly by the sudden noise and socked to see nandu there.

Manik : hey nandu listen you are taking it all wrong we were just having fun and she dozed off here. don't get ideas please.

Nandini : What idea Manik are you even in your senses .. forget it why i am even talking to you.

Manik : (Annoyingly) Nandini cut the crap okk you don't trust me now we had our nightouts with alya mukti and cabir earlier too yaar you didn't had any problem. 

soha: (waking up) whats up guys (confused by nandus angry face) good morning folks whats up why so angry hulk in morning. 

Nandini : (fuming)what are you doing in Manik's room

Soha: i dozed off what's wrong in this look nandini i won't beat around the bush i liked manik but manik was unsure about his feelings so we thought of being friends for now. i just thought of knowing him more. no hard feelings. chill  Women.

Manik: Gyi bhains pani me ab ye pataka futegi .

nandini was already pissed and now this soha had ruined her mood completely. Instead of believing in manik she started accusing him as their relationship was a secret to all she wanted to blurt out the secret now but kept mum as manik stood quite. she misunderstood him left the place crying. 

manik was angry on her childish behavior as she didn't trust him enough to listen. He also did not manofy her. 

Manik : Look soha i am very sorry for whatever nandini said to you. she is kind at heart , maybe she overreacted but don't judge her. please...

Soha: its okk manik i understand chalo lets go byeee. see you tomorrow. 

nandini did not confronted manik nor did he. they didn't meet for a week and nandu was missing him. 

nandini came to manik's house as they were supposed to board the train together but was unaware about soha coming with them. she came to meet their parents and say goodbye , she was sad to leave her family behind after living for so many years together .

Nandini : "hello aunty where is manik". 

Nyo : upstairs dear call him we are getting late. 

she went upstairs and did not found him she found his phone on table and the luggage's packed . she became happy with the fact that finally they can sought their differences but less did she know that soha will be there with them. A message popped out in his mobile 

Soha ; "Hey Manik all set lets get started... ".( with two heats emoji) 

Nandini was socked to react  she left the place silently. 

Nandini : aunty I have to leave have got an urgent call will see you in the station. byee...

Nyo: (confused) didn't Manik told you they both are boarding the flight  in afternoon.

Nandini : Confused Both?...

Nyo : yes manik and soha.

Nandini's world came crashing down and she left the place hurriedly. 

Nyonika was Confused with her behaviour. 

Precap : fight and seperation 

Inline Comments please 

Whom did you find wrong? 

I am working hard for the story.... lack of maturity they both will rift apart but don't worry manan moments will come soon.

Stay Tuned 

thankyou lovelies...

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