~ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 10 ~ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕜

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Ponyboy's P: Mevis's family is nice, but Mevis told me and the guys that we couldn't smoke. It's just for a little while so I guess I could live without the weed for now. I was drinking a coke and watching people skate. Mevis came and said, "Why aren't you skating Ponyboy?" I said as I took a gulp of the cola, "Don't know how." She said as she sat me down, "C'mon I can teach you." I sighed and she helped me put the ice skatin' shoes on. She smiled and said, "Let's go!" Mevis took my hand and Sodapop smiled at me. I was nervous, I didn't want to fall in front of her and embarrass myself. We were on the ice, I tried to keep my balance and she took my hand. We started skating, facing each other. Mevis said while looking at me, "Hold onto me ok?" I nodded and we both slid through the ice together. I said sarcastically, "Are you a professional skater too?" She almost slipped and I caught her. Mevis said, "Nah. I'm still learning like you are." Chat noir came and he said, "What's going on here?" She said cheerfully, "I'm just teaching him how to skate." Then they started skating together. I went back to the chairs where I happened to bump into Soda. I slumped into my seat and sipped on my cola. Soda said, "You ok Pony?" I sighed and said, "Yeah." He said with a grin, "Still thinking about that kiss?" I said, "No, just her." I was but I didn't want to say nothing. It's weird tryin' to explain something that you just can't explain, but it sure was nice. I can tell you that. I broke outta my daze when Soda said, "You still have a chance. She likes you." I asked puzzled, "She does?" He said, "Yeah just look at the way she looks at you Ponyboy." I looked at mevis, she stared right back and smiled. I never really thought about it, maybe she does really like me but she likes Chat noir too. I can't blame her, he saves Paris every day and I don't even do well at school. What does she see in me? I thought while drinking my coke. Then I heard Two-Bit and I saw him. I said, "Hey two-bit." Two-bit grinned and said, "Hey Ponyboy." He sat down beside me and slugged my shoulder, "So? Did you win her over?" Soda said, "He's working on it but he did kiss her." Two-bit looked at me and said, "how did it feel?" I shrugged and said, "It felt.. nice." He looked around and said, "Now where is the little lady?" I pointed at the rink and said, "She's skating." He said, "Well why aren't you out there?" I said sadly, "I can't Two-Bit. She's with her boyfriend." Two-bit scoffed and said, "Who cares? You need to win her over today Ponyboy not in five years." Soda said, "He's got a point. Go on. Go get her." I sipped on my cola and just looked at the ceiling. I didn't want to go now, especially since chat noir is there. He would kill me, he's very protective over her. Two-bit whacked my head and said, "What are you waitin for?" I sighed and sat up. They pushed me and I ended up bumping into someone. It was Mevis and she was drinking cola. I said, "Oh sorry M." Mevis smiled and said, "It's ok. It's not easy to walk with these." She pointed at her ice skating shoes and I laughed. I looked behind me for a second and Soda was grinning. I turned back to her and said, "Umm wanna skate?" She said as she put her coke down, "Yes." I grabbed her hand and we went onto the ice again. I remembered that I can't skate good and I slipped. Mevis caught me just in time and we were looking at each other. I said, "Thanks." Mevis smiled and said, "You're welcome." I said shyly, "I-i like your smile." She blushed and kissed me on the cheek, "Thank you ponyboy." I nodded and we continued skating. We were holding hands and spinning. She giggled and I smiled at her. We stopped spinning and she said, "This is so much fun!" I said, "Yeah. I think I'm getting better at this." We skated hand in hand. Mevis sighed and said, "You know I think I have to go home tomorrow." I said, "Really? Do you have to go?" She said, "I don't want to but I guess I have to." We stood for a moment. I said firmly, "I'll miss you." She said, "I'll miss you too Pony but you have my number so you can call me." I sighed sadly, "It won't be the same." Mevis hugged me and I hugged her back. "I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here and look after you and read "Gone with the wind" with you Ponyboy." I said, "I know you do but you've gotta go back to Paris. Your family wants you there and you miss Paris right?" She nodded and I said, "You can come back anytime you want M." We released the hug we skated back to the seats. We sat down and sure enough, Two-Bit and Soda were still there. Mevis said, "Hey guys." Soda said, "Hey you two." Two-Bit said with a smirk, "Having fun?" I said, "Yeah." Sodapop said, "Johnny and Dally are here." Mevis said, "Really? Where are they?" Two-Bit said, "Went to grab a couple of colas." I whispered into his ear, "Did you tell them?" Two-bit said, "Yup. The whole thing." He slugged my arm and I sighed. Johnny and Dally came with cola and gave them to Two-bit and Soda. Johnny said, "Hi." I said, "Hey Johnny." Johnny hugged Mevis and she said, "Hi Johnny. How are you?" He released the hug and said, "I'm good. I heard you fainted today. You ok?" She said, "Yeah I'm fine." Dally said, "Hey hey hey babygirl! How you doing?" They hugged and she said, "Hi Dall! I'm good." I said, "So are you gonna leave now Mevis?" Her mom was calling her. Mevis said, "One sec mom." She said, "I'll miss you, all of you. You guys have done so much for me." We all gave a group hug. We let go and she said, "Bye guys! I'll see you soon." Mevis was about to leave when I grabbed her arm. I said, "Mevis wait." She turned around and said, "Uh-huh?" I touched her hair and I kissed her. We both closed our eyes and she kissed back. It ended and she blushed. "Goodbye Ponyboy." She walked off and Two-Bit rubbed my hair, "Whooo another kiss!" Dally said, "She must've been mighty tasty." I punched his arm and Sodapop said, "That was a bold move Ponyboy." Johnny said, "It looks like she liked it too." I laughed and said, "Any of you got a weed?" Johnny handed one to me and I lit it up. I said, "She's a great kisser." Soda slapped my back and we laughed. We went home, I felt so great about what I did. I loved that kiss.

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