Vol. 1 Chapter 5.2 - The (Swimming) Race

Start from the beginning

"Hey, why are you ogling Hirata like that?"

"Huh? I'm 'ogling'?!" Hirata's popularity was quite frustrating to see. A lot of the boys shared the same sentiment.

"Now now ladies, knock it off. Please don't fight over me. I belong to everyone. I want to be everyone's friend. Besides, what if someone who's better at swimming comes along?"

Upon saying this, the girls attention was locked onto Koenji. Koenji was wearing a red speedo. The girls reflexively looked at his crotch before looking away in disgust. Although the school permitted such swimwear, only Koenji was using it. He also mistakenly assumed that the cheers and waves were directed towards him, to which he waved back.

When the teacher blew the whistle, the water splashed very violently, even more so than when Sudou was in the water. His aggresive style caught everyone off-guard. Koenji really was incredibly fast. Unquestionablly faster than Sudou and my performance.

"23.22 seconds."

"My abdominal, back muscles, and psoas major muscle seem to be in good shape, as usual. Not a bad performance," Koenji said.

After getting out of the pool, Koenji swept his hair again. He wasn't even short of breath, as if he didn't even swim in the first place. I felt excited about this. Was he faster than some of the instructors from that place?

"I'm fired up!" Sudou really didn't want to lose, so his competitive flared up, even more so compared to previously. Unfortunately, there is no way Sudou will win this.

During the 3rd round of boys, I went up to Koenji.

"My my, if it isn't demon-boy. Impressed by my performance?" Koenji said.

"Demon-boy? Well anyways, Koenji, I don't plan on holding back during the finals." I said to Koenji. He responded with a grin.

"Looks like your interest in me has peaked."

"Alright finalists, it is time for you to race!" The teacher shouted. Koenji was on my right and Sudou was on my left.

"Ayanokouji! No way I'm letting you win this one!" Sudou shouted, with an accompanying a war cry.

"Koenji-kun. If you really want to win this, then swim with all you got." I said. Koenji responded with a smile.

"On your marks," my heartbeat rose. My attention now was focused entirely on the noise of the whistle. I got into a diving position.

"Ready!" The only thing that mattered now was this race and the person next to me. I couldn't tell but I could guess he was also serious.

When the sound of the whistle pierced through my body, my whole body jolted forward into the perfect diving form. It is time to go all out. All or nothing. I've already swam multiple times at this school, at this same pool, in anticipation for this very event.

I propelled myself with every inch of my being. I could sense another presence next to me. I could hear the sounds of my classmates cheering one, the splashing of the water. After some time, those sounds faded away. Because all that mattered was my one-to-one battle.

Are you really going to be the one?

I thought to myself, "Look alive. I can still go faster than this!" 

Time to accelerate even further---

"...What the--- 21.78 seconds!" One person recorded.

"21.99 seconds." Another person recorded.

"Wait, who won that?!" Someone in the crowd shouted. From my perspective both me and Koenji rose up from the pool at the same time.

"24.70 seconds." Another person said. That must have been Sudou's time.

"Was it Koenji-kun?"

"No way! It definitely was Ayanokouji-kun!"

"Hey sensei! Who was it?" The teacher looked dumbstruck, but then quickly gained back his composure.

"It was... Ayanokouji," the teacher revealed. I felt a mix of fear and relief. I also felt a mix of disappointment and happiness.

"Hmph." Koenji swept his hair one last time today at the pool. He does not look tired one bit. "That was an enjoyable battle, Demon-boy. I can only congratulate you from here." He gave out a smile.

"Oi Ayanokouji! So you were holding back in the first round?!" Sudou exclaimed, after putting me in a headlock. I tapped out from Sudou's headlock.

"It would have been even more insulting had I held back at all right?"

"T-that's right. Your right... That would be really annoying." replied Sudou."Dammit! Fine, you win, Ayanokouji! But there is no way I'm letting you win in anything else!" Sudou yelled out.

"I would like to see you try."

Side Note: Koenji was doing Zazen when underwater.

COTE: Koenji What ifWhere stories live. Discover now