Time for the spotlight and the reveal

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The group was now in London, and everyone was nervous. "Does this costume sit right to you all?" Rarity asked nervous. "Don't worry sugar gem. You look magnific as always." Applejack said and Rarity calmed down. "The promoter is in the house! New York is closer than ever! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, we got a circus to do." Alex said and Twilight turned to her friends. "Ok. Let's do this." She said and the others nodded.

They then saw Alex talking to a sad Stefano. "Stefano! Hey, Stefano! Have you seen Vitaly? Hey. Stefano, why the sad little face?" He asked as Stefano cried. "Vitaly... he will not go on!" Alex and the equestria gang was shocked. "What?" Alex said. "l tried everything l could." Stefano cried more. "Shhhhh.. Wipe away the tears. Calm down. Where is he? l'm sure l can reason with him." Alex said and Trixie walked forward. "I come with you." She said and Alex nodded before they walked to Vitaly.

Alex threw a knife at Vitaly as he was packing. "Vitaly, what are you doing?" He said a little mad. "You missed." Vitaly just said and continued packing. "You're leaving? You're just gonna walk out on everybody?" Alex asked. "They have good show without me." Vitaly answered. "Look, l got a good left foot, but without my right foot, l can't walk." Alex tried to reason with him. "You get fake foot, then you walk." Vitaly argued.

Trixie then walked forward. "What happened to "circus stick together"? "The show must go on."" She asked. "Clichés." Vitaly answered. "Come on, man. Stop being this guy! Be the other guy!" Alex said. "What other guy?" Vitaly asked. "The guy who was all circus! The guy who jumped through hoops! Give me that! The guy everybody looked up to. Come on. Where's that Vitaly?" Alex said and Vitaly looked sad. "That Vitaly is no more." He said.

Trixie sighed. "I've been where you are." She said and Vitaly turned to her. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I've sometimes been thinking of giving up my magic tricks thanks to my magic not doing as I want. But I never gave up and got friends to help me to rise up agian." Trixie said smiling. "Listen. You may have given up on yourself, but your friends haven't given up on you. Are you just going to turn your back on them, and sit and eat borscht the rest of your life? Or are you gonna get out there and jump through that tiny little hoop?" She asked Vitaly.

"lt is impossible." Vitaly said. "lt was always impossible, Vitaly. That's why the people loved it." Trixie said and Vitaly smiled. "That is why l loved it. Because l did the impossible! l was once a brave tiger. And if l go down in flames... Heh-heh-heh! So be it!" Vitaly laughed. Alex then came up with something. "You know, l think l might have an idea for you." He said and then the circus started.

Vitaly took a bottle of conditioner and poured it over him. "Light the hoop on fire!" He said and Stefano did just so. Then he ran and got speed. Everyone was nervous. "I can't look." Fluttershy said and closed her eyes. "Mamma mia, Santa Maria, Santa Maria... Mamma Maria, mia Santa, Santa Mia Farrow..." Stefano prayed as Vitaly flew in the air spinning. "Come on, you got it." Alex said. And then everyone gasped. Before letting out a big cheer as Vitaly nailed it. "Awesome!" Rainbow said. "Fantastic." Starlight added.

"All right, what are you waiting for? We got a show to put on. Let's go. Go, go, go, go, go!" Alex said and they started the performance.

(Song: Fire work.)

Fluttershy and Rainbow was shot out of canons together with Marty and Stefano. Rarity and Applejack did tricks on drapes. Starlight and Trixie did some magnific magic. Pinkie pie and Spike did clown tricks and Twilight flew the the tree horses. After the performance gave the promoter them some papers, saying that. "We're going to America! Whoo! Today! Yeah! Hey! Whoo!" Alex shouted happy.

The others cheered to as the equastria group gathered. "That was the most funniest thing I've ever done!" Pinkie shouted. "Yeah. It was. The other dragons are gonna be so jealous." Spike said. "Yes we did good. I'm so proud of us all. Who would have thought that we could help a circus?" Twilight said and everyone nodded in agreement. "And New York is in sight. Nothing can go wrong now." Rainbow said. "Unless the truth comes out and makes the circus animals hate us. Which is possible when everything gone smoothly." Pinkie said and the others looked at her confused.

Just then they heard a familiar voice. They turned around to see Dubois. "Bravo, bravo! What a heartwarming performance, Monsieur Circus Master. lt brought tears to my eyes. No, not really. Monsieur, we both know the lion does not belong to you." She said and held up a poster on an article about Alex missing. "He is a fugitive from justice. You will turn the lion over to me so that l may put him where he belongs. On my wall." She went over to Alex before getting thrown into a canon. "Outgoing!" Skipper said as they lightened the stubin. "Wait!" Dubois said before getting shot out together with her officers.

The zoo gang breathed in relief as the equastria group knew what was gonna happen when Gia took up the poster. "Alex? You are from a zoo?" She asked. "Yes. Yes. But wait, there's more." Alex said. "This is not gonna go great." Spike said and the others nodded. The circus animals walked away looking betrayed and disappointed at the zoo gang and equestria group.

"What's happening now Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't know Fluttershy. It seems like we really betrayed them." She said before she and the others walked into a carrige and fell asleep. Wondering how they where gonna fix this.

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