Disaster performance

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The circus had just arrived at Rome and was put up in a coliseum. The equestria group walked around looking at everything. "It seems like a fun and good circus." Starlight said. "Yes. But they are missing something." Trixie said and the others looked at her. "And what is that?" Twilight asked her. "They're missing. The great and powerful. Trixie Ofcourse." Trixie said and the others rolled their eyes. "Well. Maybe you should just look at them for now." Starlight said. "You're right. I might steal the spotlight." Trixie said and walked off.

The others sighed in relief and continued to walk around. Rarity and Applejack then noticed three white horses with hats. "Oh my. Darlings you look magnifique." She told them. "Well thank you. Wow look at you. You must be the most elegant mare I've seen." One of the horses said. Rarity giggled and Applejack just smiled and shook her head at her girlfriend. Fluttershy walked over to Alex who looked a little embarrassed.

"Something happened Alex?" She asked. "No nothing happened. Ecspecialy something with Gia. I mean." Alex said nervously and Fluttershy smiled. "I see that your heart has found someone." She said smirking. "What Gia? No. Ofcourse not. I need to look after something. Over there." Alex said and ran off while bumping into stuff. Fluttershy just giggled.

Pinkie and Rainbow walked by some canons and Pinkie smiled big. "I'm guessing you like these." Rainbow said. "YES I DO!" Pinkie screamed in a Rainbow's ear so it started ringing. "Just think about how much more fun these would be filled with confetti." Pinkie said dreaming about it and also some candy clouds. Rainbow just smiled. "Yeah. And it would also make me and the other Thunderbolt's performance more awesome." Rainbow said and started to dream about it. Until Pinkie appered with candy clouds. Rainbow snapped out of it and saw Pinkie eating what looked like a cloud of candy. "Want some?" Pinkie asked and Rainbow shrugged before taking it.

Twilight and Spike walked around looking at the coliseum. "Look at this Spike. Humans really know how to build." Twilight said. "Yeah. It's fantastic. Wonder if we have something like this in Equestria?" Spike wondered and Twilight though about it. "Who knows. We should totally see when we come back home." Twilight said and both smiled.

Soon audience had gathered around and it was time to start. "OK! Strike up the band!" Stefano said. "You have a band?" Marty asked excited. But the dogs just put on music in a music player. "Prepare to be blown away!" Stefano said as he rolled out on a big ball while juggling. "Blow me away!" Alex said. "Good luck." Twilight added.

The circus animals went out and performed. But it didn't go well. Stefano fell and made a juggling ball hit one of the dogs, one of the elephants accidentally sat on a kid and Stefano played his instrument but it sounded bad. Everyone gathered behind the scene. "Now I understand why the ringmaster was happy selling this circus." Applejack said. "This circus isn't even good enough for me." Pinkie said and the others knew that if something wasn't good enough for her, then it wasn't good. "I should have done some tricks. That would have helped a little." Trixie said and the others actually agreed with that.

Just then Mason ran inside. "There's an angry mob outside, and they're demanding their money back!" He said. "l think we all know the right thing to do." Skipper said. Then everyone started to run towards the train. Stefano dropped his instrument and stopped. Twilight swopped in and saved him as the mad humans destroyed the instrument. "Grazie, Towa." Stefano said and kissed Twilight's cheek. Twilight smiled that he was okay.

Mason and Phil jumped onto the train after throwing the money at the humans. They then was off. Wondering what thet where gonna do now.

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