Reunion party

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(A/N. I'm still alive. Just ran out of data. And I don't have Wi-Fi. But it's good now. So yeah. On with the chapter.)

The equestria group together with Starlight looked for the zoo gang. Then they heard what sounded like fighting. Quickly they ran and saw Alex fighting an old lady. And let's just say that Alex was in pain afterwards. Everyone then winched when the old lady kicked Alex in his special place.

After the people drove of the equestria group walked up to the Zoo gang. "Ok. Maybe that was stupid." Alex said still in pain. Marty the saw the equestria group. "Hey guys. You finally came." He said smiling. "Yeah. We followed your trail." Twilight said. Marty together with the others then saw Starlight. "And who's that?" Gloria asked and Starlight walked forward. "I'm Starlight Glimmer. A unicorn from Equestria. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said and the zoo gang introduced themselves.

"So Alex. What the hay happened?" Applejack asked Alex. "Well. I was trying to get the people to help us. But it just ended with me getting my butt kicked." He said a little embarrassed. "Not gonna lie. That lady looked really scary." Rainbow dash said. "Absolutely darling. Her outfit was horrible." Rarity said and the others rolled their eyes. "Are you okay Alex?" Fluttershy asked and Alex smiled back. "Don't worry. Sure it still hurts a little. But I'm okay." He said which made Fluttershy smile. Everyone then heard another sound and walked towards a hill. There they all saw many animals. "Wow. I've never seen anything this beautiful." Twilight said and the others nodded. "It's really beautiful. Wish we could remember this moment." Spike said. They then heard Alex say something about deja Vu. "What are we waiting for!? Let's go say hi!" Pinkie said and somehow pushed everyone down towards the African animals.

"How!" Alex said and the African animals turned to the group. "How! Me Alex! Me and me friends fly, fly in great metal bird." Alex started with some weird way of communicating with the African animals. But it was just so awkward. Rainbow whispered to the others. "Just me. Or is this very cringe?" She asked. "Nope. It's not just you darling." Rarity said as the others nodded. Alex finished and one of the hippos spoke. "Is he dancing about a plane crash?" She said and Alex got a little embarrassed.

"Yeah. We just... yeah. I thought... Sorry." He said and a giraffe spoke up. "You mean you came from off the reserve?" He asked. "Yeah, way off. From the Central Park Zoo, actually." Alex answered. Then the African animals saw the equestria gang. "And what kind of animals are they?" An elephant asked. "Twilight stepped forward. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. An this are my friends. We come from a kingdom called equestria. A land full of magic." She said and the others introduced themselves. All the African animals started to whisper to eachother.

Suddenly a loud roar caused the group to turn. The roar came from a male lion named Zuba. He coughed as he cleared his throat. His wife Florrie patted his back. "Don't strain yourself." She said. "What's going on here? What's all this hubbub?" Zuba asked and an elephant answered.
"They say they're from off the reserve." Zuba got shocked over hearing this. "That's impossible. Only people come from off the reserve." He said. Meanwhile Alex was looking at him. "What is it Alex?" Fluttershy asked. "He look familiar. Like I know him." He answered her.

"How could you possibly survive the hunters?" Zuba asked the group. "Hunters? We didn't see any hunters." Gloria said and Zuba noticed Alex starring at him. "What are you looking at?!" He asked. "Me? Nothing." Alex said. "This watering hole doesn't need any more mouths to feed. So skedaddle back to wherever you came from."Zuba said. "Okay. Well, Is there a manager we could talk to?" Alex asked and Zuba nodded his head. "Oh, I see. You're here to challenge me!" He said and everyone was shocked. Twilight and the others whispered. "Should we try to stop this Twilight?" Applejack asked. Before Twilight could say anything, Fluttershy spoke up. "No. That's an alpha lion. Meaning that he's the strongest. We can't stop him." She said and the others looked over to Alex. They got shocked when they saw that Zuba and his wife looked at Alex's paw. More precisely, they where looking at his mark.

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