Waking up and a friend bite

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The ponies and dragon was sleeping peacefully before they woke up to the zoo gang's screams. They also screamed when they looked around. Everyone was panicking and confused. "Don't be alarmed giant freaks." Julien said as he jumped up on Maurice's shoulders while on stilts. "While you where asleep. We simply took you. To our simple corner of heaven. Welcome to Madagascar." The zoo gang and Equestria gang looked around and stopped when they saw the beautiful view. "It's beautiful." Twilight said. "It's like my wall at the zoo." Marty said happy. "Oh no. That's the real deal." Gloria said. Everyone said something about the view. "Hey how about we run a little. Get out blood pumping. Who's with me?" Marty asked. "I'm in. But I'm more of the flying type." Rainbow said. "I don't know. Tag you're it!" Alex said and tagged Marty. Soon Rainbow dash flew off followed by Marty. All three played tagg as the others watched.

"Ok guys. I'm it. You win." Alex said out of breath. "Come on Alex. Get into the grove." Marty said. "Yeah. You gotta get twenty procent cooler." Rainbow said. "I haven't eaten in two days. My blood sugar is real low. I just don't have the energy." Alex said. "I don't think that's your problem." Marty said and both him and Rainbow helped Alex get into the grove. They then started to run/fly while Alex was telling himself that he was the cat. He then turned wild and ran faster than Marty and Rainbow. Soon he jumped infront of them. They collided but was fine. Both Marty and Rainbow was happy that they got Alex in the grove.

Later the lemurs had a party and Pinkie was doing her best dance. "Best party ever!" She yelled and pulled out her party canon out of nowhere. Gloria and Rarity was relaxing in the water, Applejack and Spike was getting massages with Melman. And both Twilight and Fluttershy was smiling. "The spell went great after all." Twilight said. "Yeah. I'm so happy we meet the the gang. They're very special." Fluttershy said and smiled at Alex. Soon they heard Marty talk through a shell. "Ladies and gentlemen. Primates of all apes. Ponies and dragon. The wild proudly presents. The king. Alex, the Lion." He said and Alex jumped onto a rock and did tricks.

Twilight and Pinkie stood by king Julien and Maurice. "See. If he's a king then where's his crown? I got a crown. I got a very nice one. And it's here on my head. Look at it. Do I got it on?" Julien asked the two ponies and Maurice. "Oh. Twilight here is royal too. She's a princess. And got a crown. But it's back at home." Pinkie said. "You're a princess? Wow. I like that alot. Maybe we can get closer then before." Julien said and held Twilight's hoof. Both Twilight and Maurice didn't like that idea. Meanwhile was some fossas spying on the lemurs and others. But they ran away when Alex roared. Everyone froze up before they cheered. Only the ponies and dragon was worried.

They gathered together to talk. "That was awesome. But also concerning." Rainbow said. "I agree. That sounded like a very wild beast." Applejack said. Rarity looked at Fluttershy that was looking most worried. "Fluttershy darling. Was that roar friendly or?" Fluttershy looked at her friends. "No. That roar only means one thing." She said. "And what's that?" Spike asked. Before Fluttershy could answer they all heard Marty scream. They turned around and got shocked when they saw Alex biting Marty's butt.

"Excuse me. You're biting my butt!" Marty said and Alex's eyes turned normal. "No I'm not." He said like he didn't noticed it. "Yes you are." Marty said as Alex noticed and took of his mouth. The ponies looked at eachother. "Why would Alex bite Marty?" Rainbow asked the others. Fluttershy was gonna answer but Maurice beat her to it. "Man. It's because you're his dinner." He said and everyone gasped. Julien tried to play it off. But Maurice didn't let him. "Your friend here is what we call a deluxe model. Hunting and eating machine. And he eats steak. Which is you." Maurice said and Julien had no choice then to admit it. The equestria group looked at eachother.

"So Alex isn't that safe to be around?" Twilight asked Fluttershy. "Unless we find him some other food. But lions eat. Well meat." Fluttershy said shyly. "Then we better find something quick. Because it looks like he'd lost it." Spike said and pointed at Alex that was going savage. "EVERYONE RUN!" Pinkie said and everyone ran away from Alex. Alex was close with getting Marty. But he got hit by a coconut from Julien.

Fluttershy stopped and looked at Alex that seemed to had realized what he'd done. He ran the other way. Fluttershy looked the way her friends went and the way Alex went. She nodded to herself and followed Alex.

(A/N. Hey. Just wanna say thank you for reading this story. And if there's a gap between updates. Then I'm taking some time between them to clear my mind. Also king Julien is gonna have a small crush on Twilight intills the third movie. Anyway see you soon.)

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