Chapter 10. Precious Baby

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"OMG, then who is the father Jimin? " Lisa asked. Shock was easily visible on her face she never thought that Jimin, who lived according to his family and lived his life to protect his families reputation, had done something like that.. but she is his friend, and she will do whatever it takes to protect him.

" It's B..B..Bodyguard," Jimin shyly replied to her question.

"Is it the one who is standing outside right now because I saw him looking at you so lust fully." Lisa said proudly that she found the person by herself.

Jimin slaps his forehead with his palm. " No, Lisa, he is not that person... and really he was looking at me like that I have to complain about him with my hyung than." Jimin replied frustratingly, looking at the door where his bodyguard was guarding the door from outside.

Jimin looked back to Lisa and shook his head in frustration but continued his conversation with his friend. " Lisa actually its the person who came with me before."

" Oooo.... the handsome bodyguard of yours, yeah!!! you're so lucky, he is so handsome, Jimin.." Lisa said teasingly.

" Yeah, he is," Jimin said shyly. " His name is Jungkook, and w....we both are in L....Love Lisa. We got involved in some intimate moments yesterday night without using condom so I'm so scared, and I think I'm pregnant now..." Jimin replied shyly.

This time, Lisa slaps her forehead because of his stupid friend. Jimin looked at her confusingly and asked, " What happened Lisa why you're behaving like this?"

" My stupid friend, you can have birth control to stop the consequences of your pregnancy, and it also depends on your menstruation cycle. If it is coming soon, you will not going to conceive stupid. " Lisa replied to her stupid friend.

"Oh..oh... I'm having my cycle in just one or two days, " Jimin said excitedly."Then you are not pregnant, don't worry." Lisa replied.
then she stood up to call for some snacks and tea. After asking for it from her secretary, she came and sat beside Jimin and hugged him..

"You have scared the hell out of me, Jimin." She pulled back from the hug she look directly into his eyes before telling him" Jimin what is going on why you and your bodyguard are together don't take me wrong Jimin I'm not judging or blaming you for anything but actually I'm afraid that people and specially powerful people will not let the mere bodyguard to have you so easily its going to be so difficult for both of you  my friend." Lisa said with so much concern for her friend.

"I know Lisa, what should I do? I love him, and he loves me." Jimin replied with moist eyes scared to face the reality though they didn't spend so much time with each other but they both can feel the connection between them some comfort in each others scent some sparks all over their body when they touch each other he gave him his everything without a second thought because he trusted him for some reasons. How can he ignore these facts and accept the fate..

" I can understand Jimin but please think about it he might be one of the strongest Alpha out there but if he don't have any power or money he will not be able to protect you or himself aswell they hunt him and kill him to claim you. You have never faced that world yet because your family is a strong and powerful Mafia syndicate itself.
But Jungkook has nothing like this and because of this you both will suffer in future.  This world is so dangerous of Omega's Jimin, and for rare male Omega's like you, it's perilously risky for both of you, Jimin. Please think about your actions  before you take any step in this direction. " Lisa explained Jimin the facts which he might ignore before.

And these words making him more scared what will he do if something happens to His Alpha because of him he can't put someone's life at risk because of his stubbornness Jungkook is a good person he might even know these consequences before but still fall for him taking all the risk by himself but how long he will fight from these ugly powerful people around us. His heart stings with pain while thinking about Jungkook. He doesn't want anyone to make his Alpha vulnerable in any way. But what can he do about his feelings for the Alpha his stubborn heart doesn't want him to let go his Alpha so easily what can he do maybe if he share all this with his hyung he might be help them. Jimin thinks about everything and finally came to a solution that he should talk to Vernon about this and ask him to help them after all Vernon consideres Jungkook as his brother.

Omega's Bodyguard Jikook | Vmin (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant