"No, I'm trying to be a gentlemen. Will you just let me do this one thing for you, please?" He asked while pouting his lip and giving me puppy dog eyes

I rolled my eyes as I gave into the cuteness

"Ok, fine" I said sitting back down

I rested my head on my hand while I watched me dish me up

How can he look sexy doing the most normal things?

"Here you go, beautiful" he said giving me my plate as he sat next to me

"Thanks" I said taking the plate

"Are you going to do that weird thing where you feed me grapes?" I ask looking at him curiously

"Do you want me to?" He asks while taking a bite of his pancake

"Not really" I say while poking at my food

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with your food" he says smiling

"Oh, shut up" I say nudging him. We both laugh

We finished eating breakfast and we all went outside to hang out until it was time to go to the lake

*Time skip brought to you by the smoking hot red power ranger 😏*

We hung out in the back yard for about 3 hours when we decided to leave

I went to my room and changed into my swimsuit

(Your swimsuit)

(If you don't like it you can change it)

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(If you don't like it you can change it)

I put an oversized sweater on over it as a cover-up

I grabbed a beach towel and put on my Birkenstocks and headed downstairs

All of the boys were down there waiting for me

"Always the last one to finish" sighed Carter

"Shut up!" I said pushing him

"Ok, let's go" Jake said heading out the door

The lake was walking distance so we didn't have to drive

We got there and found a shaded spot under a tree and set down our towels and chairs

I took off my sandals and I laid out my towel under the tree

I looked over to see Dacre's toned chest exposed. The sunlight hitting it at just the right angles

He was way more toned than I ever imagined him to be

I guess he saw me looking

"Like what you see?" He said cockily

Dacre Montgomery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now