Fourty Four : Mexico

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Logan and Robby walk to the back room. There isn't any blood left and the mat is gone. Logans stuff is still in the corner.

Logan looks around, remembering what happened that day.

"Do it!" Terry yells. Logan flinches and starts punching the face part. "Harder!" Silver yells.

Logan punches it harder and harder until it breaks. Her hand is shaking and bloody. It hurts like hell.

"Now the legs." Silver says. "Break them both."

Logan starts kicking the leg parts with both of her legs and eventually they break. Logans feet and shins are bloody.

"Good." Silver says. "Now fight me."

"Logan? You ok?" Robby asks.

Logan snaps back to reality. "Oh y-yeah. I'm fine. Let's get out of here." Logan grabs her things and shoves them in her bag. The two walk back out to the car and Johnny has loaded bags of food in the van.
"Supplies?" Logan asks.

"It sure is." Johnny says. He starts driving.

Logan sits in the back with Robby. Logan falls asleep a few minutes later.

While Logan is asleep, Robby puts a blanket over her and goes to sit in the front with Johnny.


A few days later, the three have been on the road and have just arrived in Mexico. Johnny went inside a store for supplies and Robby and Logan are sitting on the edge of the car where the door slides open.

"So, how are your injuries and bruises?" Robby asks. "I haven't asked."

"I haven't really taken a good look but my shins don't hurt as much and my stomach still hurts and my hand." Logan says.

Robby gently holds Logans injured hand. "It'll get better." He says.

Johnny walks out the the store with red sunglasses on and he is carrying two bags.

"Mexican Cokes." He says. He hands the couple two cokes.

"Sensei, they're just cokes." Logan says.

He pulls out Mexican candy, chicharróns, some trash phone, and he gives the teens each a little plastic chihuahua wearing a Mexican hat.

"Welcome to Mexico." Johnny says. "Don't tell me it's offensive. We bought it in Mexico. It's their idea." He says.

"Thanks Dad." Robby says.

"Here's gift number two." Johnny says. He pulls out two shirts that each say FBI on them. He turns them around and they say "Female Body Inspector."

Logan starts laughing. Johnny and Robby chuckle.

"I got something for you too Logan." Johnny says. He pulls out a dark orange shirt with the words, "tipo rudo" written on it.

"What does it mean?" Logan asks.

"Oh I dunno. I thought you said you liked orange so I got you it." Johnny says.

Logan laughs. "Thanks Johnny." Logan goes onto google translate and types in "tipo rudo" it means "badass dude" in English. Logan smiles and the three get back in the car.

"So what are we actually doing here?" Robby asks. "Don't say it's a father-son-Logan thing. We could've done that 500 miles ago.

"All right look. This is a father-son-Logan bonding thing but I have to take care of something first." Johnny says.

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