Twenty Seven : Natural Chinese Cobra

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Robby and Logan sleep in the same sleeping bag that night in Cobra Kai. They hear Kreese punching a bag.

They both walk out to the dojo part.

"They rise." Kreese says. "Sorry you had to sleep on the floor."

"I've slept in worse places." Logan says.

"Thanks for letting us crash here. It was just for the night." Robby says.

"You can both stay as long and you'd like." Kreese says. "Can I show you guys the Cobra Strike?"

Hawk walks in. "What the hell are you guys doing here?"

"Hold on." Kreese says. "Mr. Keene and Ms. Kreese are our guests."

Tory walks over. Logan balls her hands in fists. Robby and Logan walk back to where they slept.

"Quitting already?" Tory asks.

"Never joined." Logan says.

"I don't belong here." Robby says.

"So you're running away? That worked out well for you last time." Tory says.

"We're not running away." Robby says.

"Sensei Kreese tought me that if you take all of the pain and hate and channel it, it can make you stronger." Tory says. She punches and kicks a punching bag. "It feels good." Tory invites them to meet up after class.


"You invited them?" Hawk asks. Everyone is standing in the woods. Robby and Logan are standing next to each other.

"Yeah." Tory says. "You have a problem with that?"

"Tory, she broke your arm and he almost killed Miguel." Hawk says.

"Big deal." Tory says.

"Whatever." Hawk says. "You guys ready?"

"What are we doing?" Logan asks. Everyone goes through the fence. Logan sighs and follows them. It's a zoo. "What the hell are we doing here?" Logan asks.

"Getting Sensei a present." Tory says.

The Cobras and Logan and Robby sneak into a building fill of reptiles. They all sneak into a back room.

"Why are we back here?" Logan asks.

"The Chinese Cobra." Hawk says. "You got the snake pole?" He asks.

"Oh shoot. I forgot." The kid says.

"Seriously?" Hawk asks. "You were in charge of one thing."

"Sorry." He says.

"Let's go." Hawk says.

"Hey who's in there?" A guard asks.

Logan sticks her hand in the box and grabs the Cobra. She sticks it in the bag.

"Logan!" Robby says. "Let's go!"

Logan and Robby run out. The others are yelling at each other on the other side of the fence.

"We failed because of you!" Hawk yells at the kid.

"Who said we failed?" Robby asks. Logan is holding the bag with the Cobra.

"You got it?" Tory asks Logan. Logan smiles and nods.

"Yes! You're the girl! And your the man!" Someone says.

"Welcome to the Cobras." Tory says.

"You guys are natural Cobras." Kyler says.

On the way back, Tory and Logan walk next to each other.

"Listen Logan." Tory says. "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time before."

"Well, I'm sorry too. I gave you a hard time." Logan says. "I also broke your arm."

"I guess we've both had our ups and downs." Tory says. She puts her hand out. "We're even."

Logan shakes her hand. "Yes we are."

Teenage Dream - Cobra Kai Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now