Fifty Eight : Silver Pizza

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The next day, Daniel, Johnny, and Chozen tell the students about the Sakai Taikai. It's a huge karate tournament that takes place across the world and it is a world tournament.

They tell the kids about the presentation of the dojo so then they can beat Cobra Kai.

"I'm gonna get a bunch of smarties and fill them in a hot tub and be surrounded by a bunch of hotties." Someone says. Everyone laughs.

"Lest not get ahead of ourselves." Daniel says. "Cobra Kai is gonna do anything they can to get a spot. If they win this time, kids all over the world will have o deal with some of the same crap you guys have gone through."

"But if we win, we can show the world how to stop them." Sam says.

"And show them how real badass fighters win." Logan says. Robby chuckles and Johnny nods.

"But in order to dot hat, you have to be better than the best." Johnny says. "Which is why we're gonna kick your asses into high gear." Johnny says.

"Lets get ready for that presentation." Daniel says.

"Go! Move those asses!" Johnny says.

Robby and Logan walk under a tree to stretch and warm up.

"So, you excited?" Robby asks.

"Yeah. I think its pretty exciting. I mean, its the whole world." Logan says. "But it's kinda scary too."

"Yeah. But at least we'll have each other." Robby says. "We'll beat up Terry Silvers ass." Robby says. "After everything he did and put you through."

Logan nods. "I might just beat his ass myself."

"Logan, you know what happened last time. You are not doing it. At least not alone." Robby says.

The whole dojo works on their presentation and then goes home to prepare and get rest. Robby, Logan, Miguel, and Johnny get in the van and start driving back to the apartments.

"So, you guys pumped for the whole world tournament?" Johnny asks.

"Hell yeah." Logan says.

"Yeah. It's pretty exciting." Robby says.

"Yeah. I'm not backing down this time." Miguel says.

"That's great. With you three all together on the same side, we'll definitely win." Johnny says. "One of you order a pizza. I'm hungry. Plus, I think we all deserve a slice."

Miguel calls the pizza place and then the group goes to pick up the pizza.

"I'll go in and get it." Logan says.

"I'll go with you." Robby says.

"Wait, you guys haven't let me go in anywhere alone ever since Silver happened. It's a pizza shop. Can I do this by myself?" Logan asks. "What's Silver gonna do? Assault a kid in a public restaurant?"

"You have a point." Johnny says.

"Yeah you do. Ok, you sure?" Robby asks.

"Yeah." Logan says. She gets out of the van with the 20 bucks that Johnny gave her. Then she walks into the restaurant and gets in line to pick up the pizza. It's a 10 minute long line and someone gets in line behind Logan.

"They let you in here all by yourself?" A familiar voice asks.

Logan turns around and sees Terry Silver. She groans. "Seriously?"

"Seriously what?" Silver asks.

"I honestly thought I could walk into one public place and not see your ugly ass face." Logan says.

"You know, you'd have a black eye right now if we weren't in a restaurant." Terry says.

"You know, I'd kick your ass right now if we weren't in a restaurant." Logan says.

A pizza guy walks over to the counter. "Order 184!" He says.

"Well that's me. See you soon Silver." Logan says. She walks out with 2 pizza boxes. Then she walks into the van.

"Everything go good?" Robby asks.

"It went great." Logan says. "I'd do it again if I could."

Teenage Dream - Cobra Kai Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now