Fourteen : Make out

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When the four get back to the larusso house, Robby sits at the table and holds an ice pack to Logan's lip.

Logan hold an ice pack to Robby's cheek. All four of them are talking about how epic the fight was.

Mr. Larusso walks in. "I heard about the mall. Are you guys ok?"

"Yeah we're fine." Sam says. "Just a busted lip and a bruised cheek."

"What happened?" Daniel asked.

"Well, they were gonna hurt Demetri so we went and started fighting them." Sam says.

"Fighting who?" Daniel asks.

"Cobra Kai." Logan says.

"Are you mad at us?" Sam asks.

"No, how can I be mad? I'm so proud of you guys. You guys protected." Daniel says. "I'm so glad you two are a part of this family too." Daniel says to Robby and Logan. Logan and Robby smile.


That night, Logan is up making s'mores over the fire place.

"Still up?" Robby asks, entering the room.

"Yeah, too much adrenaline." Logan says. Robby sits down next to her.

"Woah woah woah, is that a peanut butter cup on a s'more?" Robby asks.

"I'm kind of a genius." Logan says. Robby chuckles.

Robby sits closer to Logan and uses his hand to pull her face towards his. He goes to kiss her but he purposely dodges her and takes a bite of her s'more.

Logan looks at Robby in shock. "Did you just ditch me for my own s'more?"

Robby chuckles and swallows. "Wow that's pretty good." He says.

Logan kisses Robby and Robby passionately kisses her back. They head back to the dojo, still kissing, everyone else is asleep.

They tumble onto the bed and keep kissing, their tongues fighting for dominance. Logan straddles Robby and kisses him deeper. They make out like this for a few more minutes and then they fall asleep next to each other.


The next morning, Robby and Logan go to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning guys!" Sam says. She seems happy about something.

"You seem happy this morning." Logan says.

Demetri walks in. "Oh hey guys."

"Did you sleep over?" Robby asks.

"Yeah." Demetri says he looks at Sam.

Sam blushes and looks at the ground. Robby and Logan look at each other with shock.

"Did you guys kiss?!" Logan asks, excitedly.

"We did more than that." Demetri mutters.

"You my god, did you guys hook up?" Robby asks.

"No ummm. We just made out for a bit." Sam says.

"Nah, you guys definitely hooked up." Logan says. She looks at the time. "We should get going. Let's go love birds!" Logan says, walking out of the room with Robby.

"You're one to talk!" Sam yells.

Teenage Dream - Cobra Kai Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now