She lifted her left hand up to gently caress the scar on her face.

Let me out!!....

Sakura glared at her reflection. Her dark green eyes turned brighter for a millisecond. Only a small fraction. Her glare turned darker when she noticed this.

"Just stop fighting...." She muttered to herself. She put her shirt back on returned to the reflection. "Just give up..."

Her right hand twitched. She grabbed it with her left and held it down tightly.

I want Control!!....

Sakura smirked at her reflection and gave a huff of amusement.  "You want control?" She asked herself. She leaned forward and looked directly into her own eyes. She watched as they gradually grew darker and darker with a confident grin.

"Then take it from me"

Watch me!...

Sakura's right hand twitched once more, and again, and again before finally clenching tightly. Her eyes grew slightly lighter than they were before.

There was an intense battle occurring, the winner was still far from clear.

I want my freedom!...

Sakura headed out of her room towards the lab. There were a few experiments that needed to be worked on.

"Do you now? I want Sasuke," She replied. The halls were silent only the clicking from Sakura walking was heard.

He wants us dead! I want us happy!..

Sakura twitched. Oh how she wishes the voice in her head would shut up! Everytime she speaks, Sakura gets reminded of why she is the one in control.

"I'll be happy with Sasuke mine, or Hinata dead. Take your pick," Sakura replied. She headed into the lab and vegan her usual work. She was a medic Ninja after all.

She pulled out a needle filled with lime green liquid. She stuck it into her arm and injected it in. She watched as the veins around the insertion turned a sickly green before fading back to her normal skin colour.

I choose to live. Both your choices lead to death!...

Sakura ignored her this time. Opting to focus on her work. She was trying to develop a way to stop her Chakra points from being shut down by the Hyuga techniques. It's not going very well.

She was doing this because Hinata was stronger than she thought. If she wanted the Hyuga princess dead she would need this serum to work.

Sasuke won't love us. He will kill us.


Sakura's right hand twitched once more. In a lapse moment of rage and frustration Sakura broke most of the beacons. She rested her head in her hands.

"Well then..... I better kill her first...."

Sasuke had replenished a lot of his Chakra if not all of it. He felt an odd chill run down his spine but chose to ignore it.

"You ready?" Sasuke asked Haku. He would teleport the pair to Hidan, upon arrival they planned to immediately split off.

Sasuke with his speed would deal with Hidan. Meanwhile, Haku would take the seal Sasuke had prepared, and dubbed, Thunders Wrath, to handle Kakuzu.

They would have to act fast, as there would only be a very short window where they'll be able to have the advantage over the pair.

"I'm ready," Haku nodded.

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