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Physiology lab session.Now if you're not a person who is in love with blood,msee,physiology year one lab practicals will be uncomfortable for you.
We had to draw blood from each other every practical to learn about  blood and its components.Well,its not that scary, just a prick on the finger and some drops lost.The scary part is trusting your group patner to pick you.Find a brutal patner then it's hell for you.Now that's why I have Hillary always next to me because he wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"Can you tell your friends to come we are almost starting." That was lab tech Kipchumba.Remember the saying as angry as a wasp? I think Kip was the wasp's father.More angry,every single lab session with him.

Contrary to him,his colleague lab tech Kinyua,was literally the best.Very funny,accommodating and explains in simple terms.

"Today you'll also be drawing blood from each other and we'll get to learn the clotting time of blood.I don't expect anyone to use their phones and if you have open shoes get out before I embarrass you."

Well isn't this going to be a good day.

I could see some exit the lab as we sat waiting for the explanation to the practical.Father wasp had a better idea.To go round checking if anyone was still sat wearing opens.I don't think anyone could still-

"Are you deaf?"
"But these are crocs and are closed"Were replied with a lower tone.
"Toka nje na hiyo viatu za bafu!"<Get out with those bathroom sandals!>
The magnitude of laughter let out was tremendous.

Uuuuhmm okay remind me not to cross father wasp's line.

Poor Were.I'm sure he'll hate Father wasp for all his life.Anyway he was not the only one with crocs,almost the whole class went back to wear closed shoes.Sometimes I think crocs  were just made for comrades and these elderly guys were just jealous they couldn't wear them.

After the explanation we dived straight to the practical.And just when 'holy Joe Hillary 'was about to prick my tiny finger here comes him.Ricky.

"Si let's exchange for today bro."
"Uhmm okay."

What is it this time Ricky.I really don't want to get into trouble with Kip.

"Usijali.<Don't worry>I won't prick you hard.Unless,umezoea kudungwa vitu ngumu."<Unless you're used to being pricked hard stuff《insert corny gesture》> Okay Ricky just had to sexualize the injection really..
"Boy shut up and just inject!"I scoffed.

He was right I barely felt a thing.
His turn went good too and we had some good teamwork regarding the practical.When it comes to academics Ricky doesn't disappoint I must say.We were busy writing our results when he started,"I hope you forgive me for drunk calling you."

"Uhmmm sure whatever."I replied still fixing my eyes on the book.
"It was a messed up party we were all drunk.Buuut I meant what I said.I think I'm falling for you."

I quickly raised my head and gazed at him.He did not just say that."Are you still drunk?"
He laughed.A forceful one.A short one that
suggested he was actually serious.
"I mean it."

Ooooh poor Ricky.I'm about to heartbreak him.Yes he is good he's funny and all but...guys he is just not Alex.

"I uhm I -"
"Group 1 let me see your findings." There goes Kip.We showed him the results and he was impressed.Phewks!As soon as he went to the other group Ricky cane closer to me.
"You were saying?"

"Uhm,look I really appreciate that you adore me but I'm not really looking for someone right now.Please."
You liar! Uongo uongo uongo.Hiyo ni uwongo bana.<Lies.Thats a lie>You know pretty well you want Alex.

"Really,is it because you're with Alex?"
"What? Who even put that in your head?"
Boy I wish it was true.
"He even told Cathy he's not interested in her he's interested in someone else.I know Alex from highschool.You're definately his type and I've seen him throwing glances at you.I was just making sure I wasn't prying on someone's meal."

So that's why Cathy doesn't want to be associated with Alex.He gave her a cold shutdown.

"We aren't together Ricky I'm not into dating now and I just don't feel the same way towards you."
"But you do towards Alex."

I sense jealousy.From both Cathy and Ricky.
I really don't know what to do but one thing about me I will do what I have to.

Time to go.I failed to answer Ricky and he sprang up to head for the door.Yap he was angry he failed to get me.I don't think he'll talk to me ever.Or will he.
I dropped my pen in my lab coat pocket and waited for Cathy and Nekesa outside so that we could walk together as always.

And look who it is.My heart was literally shredded to strips and I felt like throwing a girl in that dustbin having used gloves just outside the lab.

Alex and Victoria?
Are you kidding me?
Where did she come from!
Why is he holding her hands and laughing with her?

Keep it together Shee.Maybe they are just friends.

"Kwani Vicky anadate na Alex?"<Is Vicky dating Alex?> Nekesa said just loud enough for the girls infront of us
to hear.One of them who was Vicki's friend turned to us and confirmed.


How can he do this to me! He literally leads me on yet he has someone?I was so sure  he liked me! What happened!

"I had a feeling he was a hoe anyway.I'm you telling men will always embarrass us." Cathy scoffed.

I was heartbroken.I arrived In my room and broke down.Yaani me nimepimwa hivyo akili.
I really thought things were going on well for me them boom! Queen fucking Victoria.

Drowning myself in tears for hours,it was already lunch time.Kulia nitalia.I'll cry yes but when I feel just a pang of hunger, wellll my stomach's more important,thats another story.

On my way to Mama moses,where I would buy my chapati and greengrams,I met Alex.Mr heartbreaker.He looked like he wanted to greet me but I passed him like I didn't even have a clue of who he was.I felt him look back at me but there's nothing more painful than being given a cold shoulder.And I knew how to use it perfectly.

The next weeks would be hell for Alex because even if he wasn't My man,he gave me false hopes and he would regret it.

I came back to a text from him asking what's wrong nikamfanyia ile kitu guys.Gave him the  bluetick.As I should.

You are the prize.

But one thing was still weird.How come Ricky thought I was the one dating Alex and not Vicky? How come Alex got angry when Ricky called me? Is there more to this? Am I just overthinking?
Yooh don't forget to vote and comment.Love yall♡

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