Chapter 41

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I ran into my room and closed the door. Was Shoto acting weirdly or was I just imagining it? I shrugged it off and took my shoes off.

I took the white bag out of my purse and put it on my desk. Hm I'll need a piece of paper. I roamed around my room searching for a piece of paper. There was no paper to be seen.

I took my purse and began digging through it, and I found some blue sticky notes. This will do I guess.

I took a pen and started to write a little note.

This should do. I put the note into the bag and took the locklets out and the photo. I smiled at the photo and began cutting it so it can fit in the locklets.

I put the little photo of me and Katsuki into the locklet with my tweezers. Then held it up. That looks fine. I repeated the same steps for the second one.

When I finished the two locklets I put one of them into the bag. I guess Ill wear this one. I put the locklet on and looked at myself in the small mirror. I smiled.

I got changed into pyjamas to get to bed. I layed down trying to fall asleep.

After what felt like hours of tossing and turning I couldn't fall asleep. I layed flat on my back, I started to think about Shoto.

He's been acting really weirdly all day today, I wonder what's up with him. I got out of bed, trying my hardest not to look out the windows, and started to head to the kitchen for a glass of water.

As I walked Into the kitchen I saw Shoto standing all alone in the dark. I walked up to him.

"Hey Y/n what are you doing up so late
" He asked.

"Well I could ask the exact same thing." This wasn't normal for him. Doesn't he have a schedule or some shit.

He completely ignored me and looked down.

"Hey Shoto you alright, you've been acting really weird all day." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine, anyways it's really late I'm gonna go to bed, bye Y/n." And he was gone just like that.

I noticed he left his phone on the side of the counter, his phone lit up. Who the hell is texting him at this hour.

I picked the phone up and saw it was Katsuki. The message said : You better back the fuck away from her or I'll mess you up real good, got that icyhot.

Don't tell me that dumbass is threatening Shoto, he's just my friend nothing else. I sighed as I walked over to Shoto's room to give him his phone back.

I knocked on his door but there was no answer, so I slowly crept in and put his phone on his desk and walked out. I walked back into my room.

I layed down on my bed quite litterly forcing myself to fall asleep until I finally did.

8:00 am

I woke up to the sun shining of my face. Man I can't even sleep in. Crap wait I'm in my internship. I sprung up from bed instantly.

I went out of my room to look around if I saw anyone. All I saw was Shoto sitting on the couch and he's was reading MANGA?. ANYWAYS.

I walked back into my room and closed the door slowly. I took random clothes out of my bag and put them on.

I went out of my room and walked over to the couch. Crap isn't this gonna look weird, nah it better not. I just sat down awkwardly beside Shoto.

It was so awkward I don't know what was happening, he didnt even say anything. I fiddled with my fingers and taught of something I could say to break the silence.

"So hey um, Shoto are you really okay? You've been acting very strangely." I looked over at him.

"Yeah Y/n I told you I'm fine." He flipped the page of his manga, he didn't even glance at me.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm your friend Shoto you know you can tell me anything." I smiled.

He closed his manga and instantly got up. " I told you Y/n I'm fine." He walked away to his room.

I wonder if it's something I did or said poor Shoto.

A few hours later

"Hey kiddos you ready to go Endervo- uh Y/n where is Shoto?" Burnin' asked confused.

"He's in his room I think I don't know." I shrugged it off, I was so tired, all the all nighters and really late nights I pulled are coming back.

"Ah okay, Endeavour told me to tell you guys to get into your hero costumes, he's taking you both on a patrol around town."

"Okay thanks Burnin'." I smiled at her. Well finally mister number 1 hero was doing his job, all I have learnt during this internship it.. well nothing.

I walked over to my room and took out the case with my hero costume in it and I started to put it on.

I walked out of my room all suited up and saw Endeavour and Shoto waiting for me. Great they both looked pissed off like father and son I guess..

I quietly walked over to them.

"Y/n there you are finally took you long enough, this timing is unacceptable if someone was calling for help they would've been dead now."

Ouch that was harsh, I mean I'm still learning. "Asshole." I muttered.

"What did you say Y/n?" Endeavour looked at me with his ugly eyes.

"Nothing sir, I'm sorry I'll be quicker next time." He scoffed.

He began walking to the elevator and Shoto followed him and I followed after. Well this was a tight squeeze if he wasn't so fat everything would've gone smoother. I rolled my eyes.

Shoto snickered.

"Shoto what's so funny."

"Nothing." He looked back down on his feet. We walked out of the elevator, and off we went on the most longest and boring-est patrol ever.

Few hours later of endless walking.

I swear Endeavour was trying to kill me from the inside all he was talking about was fucking all might. Like dude I get that your obsessed with him but just shut up.

There were a few details on Shoto but he didn't explain them very well. After all this walking we made it to another city, Hosu City to be exact.

I just kept looking around myself praying endeavour will soon say 'lets head back.' until I smelled a familiar scent was getting closer towards me.

There is no way.. Is that D-

End of Chapter 41
Idk why this chapter took me so long but it took me almost 3 days to write 💀💀

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