Chapter 23

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"Hey Y/n are you ok in there?" Bakugo knocked on the bathroom door.


I CANT GO BACK OUT THERE. WHAT DO I DOOOO. I washed my face with ice cold water. The blush was out of control it was more red than my scar over my right eye.

The water didnt work WHAT THE HELLLL. I stuck my head out of the bathroom window, hoping it would help.

It kinda helped but my face was still red. Nothing was helping. This was too much, I just gave up and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Y/n-..." He started to laugh so hard.

"Shut it I know"

He was laughing so hard that he was rolling on the ground, just like I expected. I walked passed him and walked into the living room.

I just sat down on the couch and started to look through my photos. The camera turned on and I saw my face wasnt red anymore.


Bakugo was confused, but besides that the blush was finally gone. I checked the time and it was around 8 so Bakugo had to get going.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/n the tomato." I started to chase him

"QUIT IT." He ran away laughing at me.

Great now I have a new nickname. I sighed as I walked inside.

Time Skip exactly 4 days later.
Bakugo visted you everyday and you went to school, and you did all of your customers order. Now its the morning of the sport fest

5:00 am

I woke up at 5 in the morning even tho I went to bed at 3, At least I got sleep instead of none.

I walked over and checked my school calendar. ITS THE SCHOOL FESTIVAL TODAY??? NO NO IM NOT READYY.

I ran to my bathroom and changed. I took my eyepatch and stuffed it in my pe pants. I walked over and made myself cereal.

Im really concerned about that pink flame that bursted out of me during that fight against Izuku. I didnt know why I had it..

Mr. Aizawa took me in for extra classes to see what it was. He came to a conclusion that it was another quirk.

It hurts my body when I used it, because I still cant regulate the tempeture of the flames, when I use it, it burns my skin instantly.

But I could control it by turning it on and off when I'm concentrated. So I'll try and win only using my Paralization.

Before I walked out of my house I put my black eye patch on. I started to walk to school half dead, like always. But was I gonna get any sleep probably not.

As I was walking to school, I kept thinking about where have my skateboard went. My precious my beauty, becuase of this I half to walk to school every morning.

Yes I do have one at home, but let that one burn down. I kicked the rocks on the road. I kept thinking about it then I remembered..


I was at the park with Denki, Hanta, Izuku Eijiro and Bakugo. We were about to head back home.

"So first of all lets meet up at the same park tomarrow, Second this is great that Izuku didnt break any of his bones, Third THANK GOD BAKUGO AND IZUKU DIDNT GET INTO A FIGHT, And lastly you can keep your clothes and boards and the rest I gave you. 

"Really Y/n are you sure they are yours."

"I know they are mine but nothing would make me happier for someone to use one of my skateboards."

I gave them all my phone number then we all waved goodbye to each other and I started to skate home, until I felt I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n we have to talk but not here."

This was super weird of Bakugo he was kind of flustered.

"Sure I'll follow you."

I followed Bakugo into an alleyway.

"I like you Y/n."
I was shocked, but what did he mean by like, like as a friend or more than a friend. I couldn't get a word out of myself.

Then he kissed me. His lips were soft but I pushed him away.


I ran off, it must of confused him. I was just about to get on my skateboard to skate home until something hit my head.

End of Flashback.

"So Bakugo did kiss me", he wasnt lieing. I started to blush, "WAIT THAT ALLEYWAY THATS WHERE MY SKATEBOARD IS."

I started to run the opposite way from school. I know I just walked nearly the whole way to school, but this was important. I know where it is.

Bakugo's P.o.v

I was walking to school when I saw Y/n stop, and her cheeks got red. She was cute when she blushed. She turned around and started running the opposite way to school.

Why is she running that way school is in the other direction. I started to follow her. She ran twords the park in her estate.

Why is she running here... She ran to the alleyway where I kissed her. She walked down further, until she got where I found her skateboard, she started to talk.


I creeped up in her and touched her shoulder. "What-" She activated her quirk.

"LET GO- Bakugo? I'm SORRY."

Those flames hurt like hell, just one touch and my hand stinged.

"Its ok it was my dumb Idea for creeping up on you after what you lived trough."

Y/n's P.o.v

"What are you doing here anyway.."

"Well I remembered what happened how u kissed me and when I ran away." I started to blush again.

"I just want to say sorry, you were probably really confused."

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced my feelings onto you..."

So he did have the same feelings for me, I blushed even harder I had to say it, I kept it in for too long.

"No need to be sorry.. I have been having these weird feeling lately, and I want to tell you.."

"I like you Katsuki." I leaned in and kissed him. I could feel him getting hotter. He kissed me back and hugged me.

Here we are chapter 23 hopefully you enjoyes this chapter.
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