Chapter 11

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Not long after leaving Clarke's room Bellamy makes a call to the office. He didn't expect her to give any important information at all so soon, let alone the amount of atrocious events that she had witnessed and was forced to be a part of. What happened to Clarke in the beginning was beyond horrible. Words could not describe how awful and sick Bellamy was to his stomach at the thought of what the blonde had gone through.

And this was before his own sister was taken. Bellamy didn't even want to imagine what Octavia has seen and been through herself. Just the thought of that man anywhere near his sister made his blood boil and his fists clenched tightly at his side as his knuckles turn white with rage.

Deep down Bellamy knows that they have barely scratched the surface of what fully happened in that house. Clarke had just begun to describe the first few years when she was alone, let alone the two years that she spent with Octavia. Bellamy didn't want to push her too far, knowing that we're living the past can sometimes be more traumatic than living them in the moment. She didn't deserve to go through the torture that she did all those years and it was unfair that he had to ask her to tell him about it. But they needed as much from Clarke as they could get as evidence.

A confession wouldn't be enough to put Cage Wallace away for good, but it would lead them in the right direction as they built their case.

Just as Bellamy leaves Clarke's room and heads to the station, Octavia appears for a visit with Clarke. She doesn't take no for an answer no matter how much Bellamy advises against it. Clarke had been through a lot today giving information. Now it would be best to leave her be for a few hours, but the young Blake heads in her friends room anyways. The only thing that could stop her is a call for security, and there was no need for such extreme measures. When she woke, and if Clarke didn't want visitors, Octavia would understand. Or be stubborn and sit by Clarke's side in silence. Either way Bellamy trusted his sister.

As Octavia entered the room Bellamy headed to the station, but not before ordering Atom to keep a close eye on Clarke's room. He's not to leave his spot until his sister is safely home and Clarke's room is secured. Once orders are made Bellamy leaves.

As he arrives at the Police station Miller had already set up am evidence board with Kane and his team. There wasn't a lot to go on, but with the new information Clarke had given him, they had more to go on. What she had confessed lined up with the evidence they had gathered so far and with the two names she's given they now know who two of their victims may potentially be. Names that Bellamy gives to forensics to run and have DNA run on the bodies to identify. Once he gives the order he finds Miller and Kane in the conference room, his grim expression giving him away before he utters a single word.

"How bad is it?"

"Bad." Is all Bellamy can say to answer his partner before telling the team what Clarke had confided in him about. All the while writing up a report to have it written down for official documentation. As he writes and divulges the information many emotions pass through the men's faces. Disgust and sorrow have the most impact on them all.

"And to think that's only the first few years before your sister was taken." Miller comments disgusted.

Bellamy shakes his head angrily as he clenches his hand by his aide. "Where are we at with finding this son of a bitch?" Kane sighs and leans away from the table.

"No where. The Wallace family has been on a, well, certain list for years. They're almost impossible to catch."

"We aren't struggling finding evidence, that we have" Bellamy points out as he looks at the board.

The board in question was littered with photographs of the bodies, house, and the missing persons reports they've gone through over the last two years. They had evidence and two witnesses. What they needed was a solid connection to Cage Wallace. The DNA being collected was coming back inconclusive, and taking far too long to analyze.

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