Chapter 6

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Authors Note:

Normally I write one at the end but this needs to be the first thing y'all read. This chapter has a lot of trigger warnings and graphic descriptions. The warning tags such as torture and r*pe are heavy in this chapter. If any of this triggers you then I suggest skipping this chapter of head the wanting I put in the chapter instead of you wish to continue reading.

This kind of andgt is not for everyone and I completely understand. I only hope as the story moves forward you'll be able to read and enjoy :)

Weeks turn into months and time begins so slow the longer Octavia is trapped in the cage with Clarke. She has no way of knowing just how much time passes by until one day she asks her herself. The blonde tries to ignore her question and sit in silence in the corner, waiting for their captor to return. Octavia won't be ignored so easily. The first time she asked 4 months passed, then it was 9. Soon after that she stopped wondering. But today it felt different. Today she needed to know. Sitting in the cold dark cell everyday and night with nothing to do and nowhere to go was driving the brunette insane. How Clark has done this for over 6 years Octavia will never understand. But she was thankful for the blondes existence all the same.

"Clarke please. You have to know."

"It's been two years, O." The blonde doesn't look up at her friend as she mutters these four words. Four simple words that strike pain through her heart. "Two years last week to be exact."

Just before Octavia could say anything further the slam of the door above startles both girls. The only sound being a soft whimper from Octavia, her hair falling over her face as she moves away from the door. All the while Clarke's jaw clenches as her gaze stares into the darkness, awaiting for his figure to come into view.

No matter how long the girls have been held captive the sound of the door slamming as his heavy footsteps descends the stairs never ceases to frighten them, especially Clarke. Over the last two years she has helped keep Octavia safe as much as possible, even if it meant her beatings were far worse than the previous years. But it kept Octavia from ever feeling their captor violate her body the way he has with Clarke. No matter how hard Clarke fought to keep her safe and untouched, it was only a matter of time before he took what he wanted from the brunette; however, Clarke was relieved that his body never once invaded Octavia's, that is to say not every part of him.

It was impossible to keep her safe forever but it never stopped Clarke from trying. Far too many girls have suffered by this man's hand. Far too many tortured and killed by his hand. Clarke used every ounce of energy left in her body, day and night, to make sure Octavia wasn't the next. The blonde always intervenes in some way or another if he pays too much attention to Octavia, even when he's too drunk to see clearly. Those were the worst days.

But Clarke bore the pain so Octavia didn't have to.

She took the beatings and she took the pain. She wore the scars and bore the wounds of his hands and body as he invaded hers. She took it all knowing Octavia was safer. Even when they were separated Clarke made noise from the bedroom while their captor tried to spend time alone with Octavia. Every attempt he made to separate them resulted in Clarke causing a disturbance of any kind that she could. Whether it be dropping an object and breaking it or simply fighting her restraints on the bed post to rattle the ground beneath her- she always stole his attention away from the brunette. Always.

But with each day it grew more difficult to do so.

Something changed their captors routine, something tragic enough to alter his behavior as well. He reeks of alcohol day in and day out. He's sloppy when he's drunk, and much more violent. It's easy to tell when he's sober or not simply but the heaviness of his footsteps as he walks down the stairs. It's those very sounds from his feet that startle Clarke awake. They're slow but heavy, and altogether out of beat. This man prides himself with confidence and an ego as tall as mountains to match. But when he's drunk... He's not at all himself nor of sound mind. He is the personification of hell.

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