Ms. Lang

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Safe to say, the 30 year old man who planned our ice skating date, can't skate.

"James." I say mid laugh. "Why would you go skating if you can't skate?"

He was sitting on floor, not by choice.

"Because Emma said you loved skating." He says, running his probably bruised leg. I kneel down next to him and hear a few people cuss at us. But it was almost as if nothing existed when it came to James.

"I'm so glad you took in my opinion, but let's change our plans today, yeah?"

He agreed and we struggle together to get him up. Once he was at his feet, I helped him drift off to the walls and open the gate for us. Then, he walked over to the small bench and almost threw his skates off. I laugh while removing my own before tying them to my purse.

We went to return James' borrowed ones and soon he was stable again. "What do you like to do?" I ask, hoping he can actually do the next activity.

He thinks and ponders as his hand gently plays with mine, walking the line of holding it or just enjoying the mere touch.

"I know this place, by the shore."

I look up to him in confusion, "What is it?"

He stops us and I turn to him. He bursts a smile that lights up the night and actually. grabs my hand, melting it with the same fire as yesterday morning.

"Do you trust me?"

I should say no since I'm a reasonable and intelligent lawyer. Who also is a woman. Making me more prone to being killed nonetheless kidnapped.

"Yes." I say with shit eating smile.

1 hour later...

I should've said no.

We've been in the car for almost an hour and a half and we've be driving in the middle of nowhere for at least 20 minutes.

"James. I really like you so if your gonna kill me, at least let me send my stuff over to Emma for Rachel's case." I beg.

"I'm not killing you Kara."

I was going to combat it with "Are you sure?" but I didn't when I saw the sign for Love and Mud: Gretas Couples Pottery Class.

"Oh. I didn't know you liked pottery?" I say, shocked.

"I have an appreciation for it." He starts. "But I also get to do it with you. Win Win."

I smile as we pull into the parking lot. It almost looked like tattoo parlor. I could see an older woman in the window, tall and lean, like she could be an ex-Victoria Secret Model. Her short but elegant gray hair was curled to her shoulder. An apron wrapped around her waist, hiding the pair of mom jeans, rolled up by the ankles. She paired it with a black shirt with her logo on it.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, let's head in." I say, wanting to fight back the frost bite I knew was coming.

It's Jersey for pete's sake.

Hand in Hand, we walk into the entry, feeling warmer by the second. Not just cause the heat but from the entire entrance. It was styled as if Greta was everyone's grandmother and make cookies for her grandkids.

A victorian chair and couch, both distressed and different colors, were put in a room, separated by long, dark green curtains. There were family heirlooms on the walls. Pictures of who I assume to be Greta and her husband. Family and even awards and honors. There's a whole other wall, across from the waiting room for walls of regulars. And oddly enough, Mom and Dad were on the wall.

"Welcome to Love and Mud!" The front desk lady chirped. She looked much much younger than the woman in the window. Long blonde hair, as straight as a pencil. A cute, flowy dress with tights underneath. Even some bite Mary Janes. Lace and pink hugged the dress. As did a name tag.


"Hi! Love your dress!" I cheer from the other end of the distressed table. Her hands were pale, like the rest of her skin but her knuckles were bright red, probably from the cold.

"Thank you! Do you two have a reservation?"

I look to James. "Uh no," He musters. "I was sure if we needed one or not."

"You don't!" They happy Lily sang. "But it will be a tad more expensive and little bit of a wait, will that work with you two?"

We looked to eachother and nodded our head. "We could use some time, figure out designs and such." I say with a smile.

She smiles with her face. "Great! I'll just take your names, numbers or emails, and addresses. We will text or email you when we will ship you your piece after it's done in the kiln. We will also send some glazes of your choice if you sign up for our membership which is only $29.99 a year!" She says in one breath. Damn she's good.

"I'll sign up." I say softly. I visit more often so it just makes since.

"Okay great, just put in your information and your total should come up on the keypad. You will also get a 20% discount today with the start of your membership!"

I pull out my card and James stops me. "Let me."

"No. Let me, I'm getting the membership."

He rolls his eyes. "Fine, but I will pay you back."

I smile as I put my card in the chip reader. Then I whisper into his ear, "You can pay me back tonight. Promise." I say. Which somehow induced him to standing directly behind me with some grunts and coughs.

"Great! Your total was $80 before the discount and after is $60. You two can wait in the lounge!"

"Perfect! Thank you so much Lily."

"Anytime!" She sings before picking up her Jane Austen book again. Mansfield Park. Classic.

James sits on the chair and I head for the couch. But his arm pulls me into his lap and I fell a little bit of his hard on I unintentionally may have caused.


"Nope. You caused it. You hide it."  He says with a smile that had a much deeper meaning to it.

I liked whatever meaning that was.

20 minutes of talking to James and Lily bringing us small champagne glasses go by before the woman from the window meets us in the waiting room.

"Kara Franks and James Barnes?"

I look up from James blue eyes to the woman who I knew seemed familiar.

"Ms. Lang?"

"Kara Franks? What are you doing here?"

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