You, Me, and Daddy

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warning: this chapter is so fluffy !!

Passing all the decorations on New York's street really is calming. New York looks it's  best in winter, with all the snow, Christmas decorations filling the local shops windows, the romantic carriage rides. All of it is so surreal and is one of the main reasons I stayed in New York. 

As I pull on James's street. I park behind his car in his driveway. It's rare that houses have driveways in New York but if you're wealthy, you typically could afford it. James makes typically around 120k a year, based off of his files. Just a few thousand more than me. 

As I unbuckle, I could see Riley's face pressed to the window, smooshing her cheeks and causing the windows to be foggy. She noticed the condensation and breathed on the window to write "HI!" on the window. It appeared to me backwards but it's the thought that counts. I step out of the car into about an inch or two of snow and opened the back seat door. I pulled the various gift boxes and bag out of the backseat and the last minute donut box too.

As I turned to shut to backseat door with my foot, Riley was running out the house. She grabbed the donuts and a couple gift bags immediately but I noticed she didn't have a coat.

"Riley Barnes! You cannot leave your house without a coat anymore. You'll catch a cold!" I scold while we walk up the steps to her home. James was standing at the door with a look on his face. One of those, 'you really had to buy gifts?' looks. I gave him a sarcastic smile as we walked into the blank house. 

Not blank but it wasn't decorated, which is why I'm here I guess. 

I set the boxes on the floor next to the shoe rack. As soon as the boxes hit the floor, Riley was jumping into my arms. 

"Hi Kara! It's been so long! I missed you so much! Have you seen the new episode of My Little Pony yet? Do you want to watch it with me after dinner? Can she stay for dinner Daddy?" 

I seriously don't know how kids have so much air in their tiny lungs. 

"Riley, Kara is always welcome to stay for dinner. Why don't we give her some space?" James suggests and Riley's grip tightens on my neck as her head turns from him and finds the crook of my neck. I laugh before looking at James. 

"Don't worry. I missed her too." I say and Riley's head pops up faster than a ground hog. 

"Really?!" She says and I nod with a cheek hurting smile.

"Of course I did! Who else can I watch My Little Pony with?" I say and she smiles so wide. I can't help but kiss her fore head and then set her down. She runs up the stairs to her room. 

James picks up the mound of gifts, which I just noticed was a bit... much. I followed him to the living room where a big box sat at. I assume it's the Christmas tree.  I notice a bunch of other boxes filled with various sized ornaments with multiple colors and patterns. One box in particular was smaller, and had less ornaments, which seemed to be more memorabilia.

"Thank you for coming over." James said as he sat down and did a man spread. 

Before meeting James, men didn't appeal to me. Being in a relationship wasn't a desire I had. But ever since I met James, it's been hard to get him out of my head. And his daughter? God, she has me wrapped around her finger, and I'm not even mad about it. 

"Thank you for inviting me." I say before sitting next to him. I tucked my bare feet into the cushion of his leather couch. James and I make eye contact, and hold it. 

I know he is thinking about it. But he knows just as well as I do that we can't do what we want to do.  

Then Riley came down with a canvas as big as her. She was stumbling down the stairs. James started to get up to help her, but she denied it. After 30 seconds of step by step, she made it down the stairs and started walking towards me. James was equally as confused as me. 

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