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"Riley!" I shout from the bottom of the stair case. James was packing his brief case on the counter. Since we had everything finished for him for his case in now 3 days, we really just needed to focus on Riley's testimony. 

We make sure she gives us all the facts and things she knows. She is our key to this case. "Coming!" She yells back from the top of the staircase. I walk over to the kitchen in my Christmas pajamas and a basic black shirt. I don't normally wear casual clothes unless I'm spending a majority of my day with my kids.

James had been falling behind on work. He works well in organized and low stress environments so I could only imagine how hard it was for him to get some work done. Hell he wasn't even getting sleep in. I had let him know that he could go to work today, try and get a some quiet before the storm. 

"You sure you don't mind? This is basically babysitting." He asks for maybe the 45th time today. I shake my head and role my eyes. 

"One: I'm doing my job. Two: Riley is literally my bestfriend. Go to work, get a coffee, and get some shit done." I say before turning to the staircase full of stomping. Riley comes down in red and pink plaid Christmas pants and a white shirt. We were almost matching, I just had a black shirt.

"Daddy, you were supposed to be gone by now." Riley says while standing next to me with her arms crossed. She must have her mothers sass. I laugh before her father picks her up and throws her in the air. He brings her laughing chest tight to his as he kisses the side of her head. 

"Thank you again Kara." He says with a half smile. I walk with Riley and him to the front door. 

"Not babysitting, working." I say before he chuckles and dips into the black SUV. I wave with Riley who is now in my arms. We shut the glass door before shutting the black heavy door. I lock both doors before taking Riley and myself to the kitchen again.

"Okay chicka. I have to talk to you about some stuff. Is that okay with you?" I ask while putting her in one of the many island barstools. 

"Okay!" She says excitedly. I go to the fridge to get her a cup of juice. 

"So your Mommy, what do you do when you go over there?" I ask her while pouring the apple juice into the pink unicorn cup. 

"Well," I slide the cup to her, which she grabs and outlines the various unicorns with her finger tip. "She lives with Aunt Cece. I just hangout with Aunt Cece all day." She says before taking an actual sip of the juice. I nod my head, putting that in a folder in my brain.

"You said Mommy is always at Michaels, who is her step dad right?" I ask just to clarify. She nods while the cup is to her mouth. She lets out a long breath after putting the cup back down. 

"Do you like Michael?" I ask her. She shrugs before tensing up. I grab a box of fruit loops from the top of the fridge and look for a bowl. "He and Mommy are really close. Aunt Cece doesn't like him very much though." She says. 

"How come?" 

"She says he's mean to her." 


"So you know Daddy has court in a few days. When they call you up to the stand, your gonna be asked to put your hand on the bible." I explain while sitting next to her with a bowl full of  cereal for her. She takes the spoon and takes a bite while nodding. "You have to be completely honest when you go up there. No little lies or anything, promise?" I ask her. She nods before finishing her bite. 

"What are they gonna ask me?" 

"Well that depends on Mommy's lawyer." 

"How long will it be?" She asks before taking another bite. 

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