7. Can I take you on a date, darling?

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I slowly woke up and blinked my eyes open. Thank god I closed the curtains.

A little bit of the sunshine from one side of the curtains was coming through and illuminating the room.

My head was resting on a warm chest and could hear a steady heartbeat.

Slowly but surely I looked up to the source of warmth and was met with Akaashi's resting face.

How can he look so angelic while sleeping? His head was slightly tilted my way and his long lashed were crowning his closed eyes.

Akaashi's hand was around my shoulders and I was snuggled to his side with one of my legs over his. The events of our previous night came crushing down on me and I just now started to realize the soreness in my muscles.

Oh god, I had sex with Akaashi Keiji! The one that was my nemesis and bane of my existence? Yes, that one!

It also happened way more than once last night... And I'm still very much naked. I'd lie if I said I didn't enjoy it.

Most importantly though... He said he liked me. Always has liked me. He wants to take me on a date. Does that mean we're dating?

I have so many questions but he assured me he didn't only wanted to get in my pants... right?

As my mind stated its habit of spiraling I didn't notice Akaashi waking up until I felt him move a little to kiss me on my head and inhale my scent.

"G'mornin'" he mumbled with a deep and sleepy voice.

"Hey..." The unsureness in my voice was apparently very noticeable because Akaashi instantly took action.

He turned me to my side and spooned me from behind. As he was squeezing my waist in a hug he buried his head in the nape of my neck. After a couple of seconds I rested my arms on his and he moved his head so our cheeks were resting on each other.

"I feel like knowing that you also tend to overthink will help us. I know this was the whole reason for the way our relationship was up until yesterday but I think we can use it in a positive way."

I was stunned by how clearly he was articulating his thoughts at this hour in the morning. Did he already think about what he was going to say?

He continued. "So I want to reassure you. I like you. I did for a while now but I never thought you would gave me a chance... We started out on a really wrong foot and the results were even worse. I'm... I'm sorry it got to that point."

My eyes started to sting a little and I was glad he couldn't see my face. "No, Keiji, I'm sorry. I-... I really thought you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. I'm not as pretty or perfect as other girls and I really try to not get those things to go to my head but... I think my insecurities led me to interpret every move of yours worse that they actually were..."

I felt him squeeze me again. "No, you are really beautiful. I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I'm not really good at showing emotions, I'm trying to work on that. I know I can come off as rude but I should have talked to you way sooner."

I chuckled from happiness. "I mean, I must admit, you do have a way with your words, Mr.-Literature-Major."

I heard him exhale amused by my teasing.

"Never would I have thought to get a compliment on that by you. But jokes aside I really want to make myself as clear as possible so there are no misunderstandings. I want to date you. If you're comfortable with it I'd like to take you an a date."

My heartbeat increased and I couldn't stop the smile on my face. "I'd be honored, Keiji."

He laughed and hugged me tighter from behind.

Why I hate you, Akaashi KeijiWhere stories live. Discover now