6. Come on, loverboy.

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While hugging for a couple of minutes I started to realize all the things we talked about.

How could we go for this long without actually talking it through? My overthinking and insecurities really took a toll on us both, huh?

But... He likes me. He liked me all this time... And here I was assuming he hated me.

Ok, stop with the overthinking again! I should try to control myself.

I have never heard him speak so much either. Normally he isn't a man of many words but seems like he bottled up a lot of thoughts...

As we were cuddling on the couch I suddenly was hyper aware of our position. I was still straddling him and his arms had a tight grip around my shoulders. My hands and head were placed snugly on this chest and I could hear his heart beating.

He smells like fabric softener...

As much as I enjoyed this, I felt like I was going to die of embarrassment. I don't cuddle with anybody but now I'm here with Akaashi? How?

I sat up and looked at him. My insecurities were for once not my main concern because he made me feel comfortable. If you asked me two hours ago if him of all people could do that, I'd have laughed in your face.

He held my arms, drew little circles with his thumbs and spoke up. "I can't tell you how happy I am... I want to spend time with you and see where this takes us if you're up for it?"

I smiled and nodded at him. "There is so much I want to do with you and talk to you about. I want our first date to be special but I also don't want to make you uncomfortable. I know some stuff you like because I always ask Bokuto but I feel like I need to-"

"You ask Kou about me?" I interrupted him surprised.

His eyes widened a little. "I mean... Yeah. It's may sound weird but because we only fought with each other I had no other choice but to ask him. I like you and even then, I'd rather fight with you than talking to others. I'd also rather fight than not talk to you at all. But as I was saying, I'm already sorry if the date is not as you wish, so I want to ask-"

"Akaashi." I interrupted him yet again. He looked at me with a hint of concern. "Stop overthinking and apologizing!" I giggled. "I'm fine with anything because I want to see where this will lead us, too. Stop overthinking so much and I'll try as well." When I watch him ramble like that I feel like I'm looking in a mirror...

"We could literally just sit in a cafe and talk and I'd be over the moon. There is no high expectation because it will also be my first date ever..."

"Like... ever?"

I looked down at my lap with a little sad smile. "Yeah."

He squeezed my arms which made me look up into his deep blue eyes. "I really can't believe that humankind managed to make the mistake of letting you slip through their fingers. This is unforgivable."

Usually he may not be a man of many words but damn... He knows when to say the right thing sometimes...

This time I grinned and rolled my eyes. "Okay Mr. Poet, don't boost my ego any longer. You should save some lines for that date of ours." He smirked at me. "If you keep being the way you are, you'll never have to worry about that. There is a lot more where this is coming from." After that he winked at me and I could swear my heart skipped a couple of beats.

I miserably tried to hide the effect he had on my and tried to change the topic. "As I said I don't need anything big for the date... but I'd also like to spend more time with you now. How about we watch a movie?"

Why I hate you, Akaashi KeijiWhere stories live. Discover now